thirty six

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"SO UHM.."

she started, twisting the rings on his fingers as they lay on the hotel bed, relaxing after the premiere. he looked at her, encouraging her to continue talking.

"basically.. i didn't want to tell you this because i thought it would ruin your night, but looking back on it i probably should've just told you.."

"what's wrong?" he asked her, running his hand through her long hair.

"i'm pregnant." she deadpanned, surprising herself. his eyes widened but he didn't say anything, he gave no emotion.

"please say something." she said worriedly, scanning his face for anything.

"i don't know what to say." he muttered, pulling her into his chest closer. "i'm gonna be a dad?"

"pretty sure."

"i'm gonna be a dad." he smiled, covering his mouth with his hand. he looked lennon right in the eyes and reached his hands out, grabbing her face and kissing her passionately.

"i'm so happy." he grinned, kissing her stomach repeatedly.

"i love you." she couldn't describe the way she had felt in that moment. it was like she had never felt that happy before.

"love you more, angel."

as if the day, or days, could get any better, the album was coming out in a few short hours and it was exciting but also nerve wreaking. normally she had people who were in the same situation, max, vinnie or zac but it was her solo album, and it was different.

plus, she was half way across the world, and she only had austin and olivia. don't get her wrong, they were all she needed, but something about not being with her band mates or family felt weird.

it was a week since she had found out about the baby and austin was over the moon. he was practically bouncing with every step he took he was that excited.

"this was the one night i was looking forward to because i was gonna go on a bender," lennon said from the bed, watching olivia straighten her hair at the vanity, "now look at me."

"i love you lennon, but i am not giving up the drink tonight for you because austin couldn't wrap his willy."

"first of all... ew? second of all.. i'd do the same so go ahead girl."

"i'm so excited to hear this album." olivia grinned.

"you're gonna love it. except.. i was in my depressed slag era when i wrote it so.."

" we make sure austin knows it's about him!" she winked. lennon shook her head with a laugh.

"i need to start getting ready." lennon groaned, getting up out of the massive bed.

"wear that short one while you can!"olivia called out to her as she dug through her


hi guys !!

sorry for the short chapter lol i've been so busy w school and stuff xx

love uuuu

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