sixty one

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IT WAS the day before the engagement party and everyone had decided to go out for drinks, well all the young people. max and zara, zac and lila and vinnie and rachael had flown in a day prior so everyone was well rested and ready to get shitfaced.

"i recently got into the bad habit of saying "bruh" and i really need to stop." lennon cursed at herself as she caught herself saying it again.

"bruh." olivia laughed at herself, repeating the word a few times before going back to doing her makeup.

the two finished up getting ready before grace, jacob, austin, calum, zara, lila and rachael, along with some of olivia's close cousins and friends all arrived to go to the bar. calum had booked a huge bus to fit everyone, but at this point they were sceptical that it would fit everyone.

luckily enough for lennon however, joy had begged the young girl to let her baby sit as she wasn't going out, which lennon happily accepted.

"i'm so fucking excited!" lennon's legs were bouncing up and down in the taxi as she was so excited. austin placed his hand on her knee to stop it. "bruh."

"shut the fuck up!" olivia yelled, hearing the word slip out of her mouth yet again, "at this point i wouldn't be surprised if that's auden and leon's first fucking word."

"she was feeding them the other day and leon got sick all over her and all i hear is bruh" austin shook his head with a laugh.

"okay? you grow some tits and do the feeding big guy.." lennon rolled her eyes.

"you would rock a pair of knockers austin." calum winked at the blonde man.

"how much have you had to drink calum?" grace cocked a brow.

"way too much." the bassist replied with a drunk smile, already slurring through his words.

lennon and olivia were hand in hand, dancing together in the swarm of young people listening to the loud music blaring out of the speakers. one song in particular was playing, a song that funnily enough, played the night lennon met austin.

"fluorescent adolescent" by arctic monkeys was playing throughout the bar and the two were again, acting as if alex turner himself was singing it to them live.

"i feel like alexa chung!" lennon yelled, screaming the lyrics with olivia.

"someone is watching you.." olivia sang in a playful tone, motioning her head towards the tall man beside the bar.

"think i found my alex turner."

austin had been watching lennon ever since she stepped foot on the dance floor, not in a weird stalker-ish way, but in a "she's so mesmerising" way.

she smiled at him, lifting her hand to wave, him returning the favour.

"i think you should go over." olivia said into her ear, loud enough so she'd hear it.

"i think so too.." lennon nodded, dropping olivia's hand and making her way through the crowd.


"hi." he smirked, mocking her tone of voice.

"i'm lennon." a cheeky grin spread across her face as she remembered the first time they had met, in australia over two years ago.

"oh yeah, twitter girl, i'm austin."

oh my fucking god. deja vu.

"you remembered that.." she rolled her eyes playfully, hitting his chest with her head as she groaned.

"i remember everything. i remember that we were in this exact same bar, with this exact same song playing.."

"and i started to fight your mate because he started on me.."

"and then i didn't talk to him ever again after that.."

they both paused, just smiling at each other as they recollected the old memories they had from this bar.

"you know austin.. i've really been thinking these past few weeks about us, and i think that you deserve a second or third- actually fourth chance, and i know that it will be hard, and i still haven't really-"

"angel.. just shut up and kiss me."

and that's exactly what she did. she cupped his jaw in her hands and slammed their faces together, not caring who saw, because it felt nice.

it felt right.

grace stood a few meters away, practically jumping up and down with her hands in the air as she watched her sister, because this was what she was waiting for, for months.

olivia's jaw was on the floor, shocked at how much bravery her best friend had to do that, but also happy for the two.

and lennon.. she was happy. genuinely happy, no fake smiles or anything.



why am i crying wtaf. PHAHAGATAGA this ending is probably really shit but anywaysss i will be posting an epilogue so don't go anywhere slags x

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