forty seven

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THE BABY SHOWER was in an hour and lennon was running, or waddling, around the house to try and find her phone. austin was out buying balloons last minute because olivia had popped half of them when she was putting them up.

"little shit," she huffed as she spotted the phone on the couch. slowly bending down, she picked it up seeing many notifications mostly from the guests telling her they'd be there.

everything had been set up and the barbecue was ready outside on the patio. since they didn't know the gender of the babies, everything was gender neutral.

her phone rang in her hand, and she answered. it was austin.

"hey angel, i'll be a bit later than i planned, but i'll be there in time. don't do too much." he laughed at the last part.

"that's fine love, don't worry." she said.

"okay love you, i'll see you soon." he smiled through the phone.

"love you darling." she grinned, hanging up.

she sighed and sat down on the couch, immediately hearing the front door open. "it's only me!" olivia shouted.

"hi babe!" lennon smiled from the couch, still catching her breath from running around.

"where's austin?" the blonde asked curiously, placing the cake down on the counter.

"he's getting balloons." lennon told her.

"oh, but calum got those this morning. they're in the living room." olivia raised an eyebrow, looking at lennon.

"oh, he must've not known. my bad." she laughed it off.

"probably. your dress is stunning!" olivia gushed, walking over to her friend to hug her.

"thank you! so is yours!" she smiled.

over the next forty minutes guests started to arrive, filling the house and garden up quickly. but there was still no sign of austin anywhere. they had been texting and calling him but there was still no reply.

lennon was heartbroken that he wasn't there to greet his family, or hers, and their friends.

zara and grace were comforting her the whole time, sticking by her side.

it wasn't until nine that night, when everyone was gone home, and lennon was in bed that he walked through the door and looked around the empty house. his heart dropped.

he walked upstairs and seen her asleep peacefully, making him sigh. her eyes fluttered open.

"i can't believe you! you're such a little cunt, you know that?!" she immediately screamed the minute her eyes opened.

he was taken aback.

"angel i'm so sorry, i got caught up with fans and shit and then my manager called and-"

"manager called my ass. what ever happened to 'oh i'll always be there for you lennon' or 'i'll do anything to keep you and the babies safe' like fuck off you big headed prick."

"calm down, it's not good for the babies." he said calmly.

"shut the fuck up for a minute. i have spent the last eight fucking months carrying our children and the one fucking day! the one day our family gets to be celebrated, you don't even show up?

i've been so supportive austin! ive moved all around america for your movies, i stay awake til ungodly hours to greet you when you get home and i make you breakfast every single morning when you wake up and this is how i'm treated?! i basically gave up my career for you!

i don't care who you were with or what you were doing but you could've at least called? i didn't get to enjoy tonight because of you!

so don't even think about telling me to 'calm down' because believe me i am calm. i can show you how much of a psycho bitch i am."

"angel, please, please. i didn't mean to-"

"just shut up. sleep on the couch and i'm leaving tomorrow morning." she sighed, lying back down.

"fine. night angel."

LOLLLLL you've been asking for this one shits about to go down 💀💀

anyway love youuuu xx

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