forty one

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@lennonblue | blue 🫂🫐
first off all, i'd like to start this off by thanking everyone for the love and support on my album. i appreciate every single one of yous, however, i DO NOT appreciate the small percentage of my fan base and the general public, who think it's okay to comment on MY body.

why is it normalised to comment on women's bodies? it's absolutely disgusting. so what if i gained weight, why should it matter! all bodies are beautiful!

i'd also like to add, please stay out of my business. i'm in such a good place right now, and you all know i wasn't in that situation a few months ago. my relationship shouldn't affect your life, it should only affect me and my boyfriend. WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK !!

stay safe. all the love - blue 🤍

don't act like some icon lennon. you're just an ugly bitch.
replying to @ lennonblue

literally shut up.
replying to @ lennonblue

fat ass
replying to @ lennonblue

u really let urself go
replying to @ lennonblue

couldn't of said it any better! i'm here for you always baby 🤍
replying to @ lennonblue

i honestly would've never thought i would have to come out and defend my best friend for something so silly! lennon is the sweetest person you could ever come across and it's insane the amount of hate she's receiving at the minute!! as she said, why should it matter if she gained weight or not?? she's in a healthy relationship right now!! stop making up stupid rumours about people, think of the consequences. 

i'll always have your back blue.
replying to @ lennonblue

i'm not the type of person to get involved with stupid rumours, especially online, but when it's hurting someone who i love, it would be crazy to stay silent. i can't believe my "fans" would be this hateful towards a person who brings me happiness every single day. it's one thing talking about me, but don't bring lennon into this.

about the literal body shaming, grow the fuck up. you must be some sick fucks to think it's okay to comment on her body. why are you even looking anyway! society has made up this unrealistic stereotype for women, where they have to have clear skin, a flat stomach, no body hair.. the list goes on! no women should feel that they have to change the way they look to "fit in" because everyone is beautiful!!

stop spreading false rumours.

bless them.
idk what to write atm because i'm out of ideas lol but TWINS!!! i'm actually so excited to write this 💀

stay safe xxx

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