fifty four

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"WE haven't done this is ages, i feel young again."

lennon grinned at olivia as they entered some a-list celebrity club in los angeles. olivia had dragged the girl out of the house. physically.

the first time olivia asked, she had said no because she hated how she looked. she looked so tired and her body had changed.

olivia had reassured her that she looked perfect and instantly made her feel better.

lennon was unsure about leaving austin alone but olivia said 'isn't he not literally their dad?' which was true.

so lennon was in a little skirt that just about covered her ass. she knew that if the media caught sight of this she'd be labelled 'irresponsible' and 'slutty' but that didn't matter to her.

the minute they got into the club they spotted a few celebrities, kylie jenner, conan gray and olivia rodrigo and so many more.

"let's get drinks, i haven't had a vodka cran in nearly a year." lennon groaned.

they ordered the drinks and found a table in the corner, sitting down at it.

and after downing vodka crans for an hour or so, they were owning the dance floor. making friends with many girls as they went on.

"oh my god! oh my god! liv look!" lennon screamed as she spotted a celebrity she knew.

"who even is that?" olivia cocked and eyebrow, staring at the man who she didn't recognise, "am i supposed to know him or..?"

"liv, that's bloody- bloody richarlison!" she gasped, hitting olivia's shoulder in excitement.

the football player had spotted lennon and was clearly checking her out, smirking at her which made her gasp.

"what..." olivia was still clueless.

"he plays football for brazil!"

"oh right.." she nodded, still not fully understanding but going with it.

"i'm gonna talk to him!" lennon grinned, placing her drink on the table.

"are we sure he speaks english?!" olivia asked.

"if not, i know portuguese." she shrugged, walking away from her friend. olivia cocked a brow.

"since when!"

unsurprisingly, lennon and richarlison had hit it off and were at the bar together. calum had came to the bar as well, to spend more time with liv.

"you're really good at portuguese." he said, impressed by her knowledge of the language.

"você é muito bom em ingles." she grinned, sipping her drink that he had bought her.
(you're very good at english)

"i try," he laughed. "would you like to dance?"

"uhm yes!" she smiled, taking his hand. he led them over to the dance floor and watched as she started to sway her hips to the beat of the music. toxic by brittney spears was playing.

he was laughing as she continued to dance, before he joined in.

"this isn't fair! you're brazilian, this is what you're born to do!" she groaned, realising that he was way better than her at dancing.

"not my fault." he shrugged, spinning her around and pulling her into his chest. "i'm also a very good at many other things."

"oh? like what?" she cocked a brow.

"football.. singing-" he started.

"singing?!" she burst out laughing making him gasp.

"are you insulting me?"

"no. continue."

"then there's basketball oh and my all time favourite.. kissing." he said.

"kissing?" she blurted out, making him nod. he looked at her eyes and then to her lips. "should we test the theory?"

"i think so." he nodded, cupping her face in his hands and pulling her closer.

OH MY GOD REVENGE ERA FR XXX and before all u little shits come at me like "omg she's just had kids and now she's kissing another lad" stfu.

anyway see u later queens xx

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