thirty eight

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THE LAST premiere had finished and to say the whole cast were relieved would be an understatement. they were all so excited to finally have a full night of sleep.

austin and lennon were on a flight to paris, to attend max's wedding. it would be a beautiful wedding in a huge ballroom, that overlooked the eiffel tower. it screamed max.

austin had his head rested on lennon's shoulder and his hand resting on her stomach. he had been so touchy since the news of the baby, and seemed to always be rubbing and kissing her stomach.

max and zara had a doctor over in paris, where lennon was going to go for her first ultrasound. the two were so excited to see their baby.

when they got to the airport, it was surprisingly quiet and nobody seemed to notice them. they got through security and all that pretty quick, making their way out to the taxi.

austin opened the door for her, making sure she was in before following her in. the ride to the hotel was half an hour and the two shared lennon's headphones to listen to music.

they got to the hotel and the staff took their bags inside.

"i fucking love paris." she grinned as he wrapped his arm around her waist. he smiled down at her, planting a kiss to her temple.

"it's amazing." the two were now in the hotel's foyer, staring up at the beautiful paintings on the roof.

"it's like i'm in monte carlo with selena gomez, i love it." lennon gasped excitedly.

"i won't even ask." austin shook his head with a laugh.

"hi sir, we have a room booked under butler." she smiled at the receptionist, leaning against the counter.

"ah, mrs butler, lovely to meet your acquaintance!" he greeted kindly, making austin snicker from behind her.

"actually sir-"

"my wife and i would love to see our room, could we have our keys please?" he threw his arm over her shoulder, smirking.

"of course, mr butler." the receptionist nodded, taking two keys from under the desk. "room 203, my colleague louis will show you to your room."

"thank you so much." lennon thanked him, following louis into the lift. "you're gonna get us in trouble, butler."

"it's my middle name after all.." he shrugged.

"oh, i thought it was misery?"

"shut up."

"max dawson, did you grow a few inches since i seen you last?!" lennon gasped, running over to her bandmate excitedly. the two shared a hug before pulling apart, "zara you look unreal girl."

"thanks babe, i love the dress. you're glowing!" zara kissed her cheek, not realising the significance of what she had said.

"thank you. shall we?" lennon smiled, linking arms with her as austin and max chatted. the four walked into the restaurant and were greeted by a waiter who brought them to the table.

"vin and zac said they'd be here soon." max announced, reading a text before putting his phone away.

"i haven't see you guys in ages."

"we missed you." max smiled.

"you better of." she stuck her tongue out at him, kicking his leg.

"ah! it's john!" someone exclaimed from behind her, making her laugh. she knew exactly who it was.

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