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AUSTIN'S sister was about to walk in and lennon couldn't contain her excitement. as much as she was worried, she knew his family would be amazing.

"ashley girl, you look amazing! so good to finally meet you!" lennon exclaimed when austin's sister walked through the front door.

"you're even more beautiful in person! so happy to get to see you." she smiled, wrapping her arms around lennon.

"he's in the front room, here i'll show you." lennon said, taking her hand and leading them into the front room.

"austin, i have something for you." lennon spoke up, catching her boyfriends attention. he turned around and immediately cracked a smile.

"ash?! what the hell!" he gasped, walking over and lifting her up.

"lennon called, said you were homesick." ashley grinned.

"you little shit, how did you manage to not let this slip?" austin laughed, kissing lennon's head.

"i have my ways, butler." she winked.

"yeah, remind me to never get on your bad side." he joked.

"don't worry, it would be very hard for you to get on my bad side."

"lennon! over here now." olivia dragged lennon to the back porch, where the proposal was going to take place.

"get a song quick- oh wait, sing one!" she rushed.

"no thanks- it's graces moment not mine." she shook her head, scanning her phone for songs.

"fairs, what song does he want?!" olivia panicked, looking at lennons phone.

"i don't know. all i know is that dark red deserves to be used," lennon said. olivia gave her a weird look, "what? it's amazing and it's gonna be played when he proposes. end of."

"fine." olivia threw her arms up in surrender, walking away to find grace.

jacob was ready to go and standing nervously on the patio. his hands were shaking and lennon sent him a reassuring smile. austin soon was standing beside his girlfriend.

when calum and lennon got the nod from olivia to start, the music began to play and everybody's head turned.

grace walked out hesitantly, well, it was more like olivia dragging her out by the arm.

jacob took a deep breath and smiled at her, taking her hand is his.

"grace brady - my girl, every minute i spend with you i fall even more in love, which i didn't even know was possible," he said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "you are the most beautiful, kind, amazing and funny girl i've ever laid my eyes on, and you're all i could've ever asked for in a partner."

"i want to spend the rest of my years with you, and i don't think i'd ever live without you, you keep me alive, as cringing as it sounds. when i first seen you on the first day or filming, i couldn't get you out of my head. you were so, i can't even explain it, it's like you knew that i was so fascinated by you and it drove me insane when you'd ignore me on set." he chuckled.

grace was blushing like crazy, and you couldn't blame her. this was so sweet.

austin pulled lennon into his chest as they watched the couple on the patio.

"and my dream, my one goal in life is to eventually marry you. i don't care how long i have to wait, i will. but today, i'd like to ask you," he paused, getting down on one knee.

grace gasped and covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes.

"grace maya brady, would you do marry me?"

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