fifty five

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LENNON had gotten richarlison's phone number after they shared more than one kiss last night. he was so mesmerised by her humour and looks and couldn't stop thinking about her.

the two had been texting the whole morning as she watched the babies, austin was at work so she was alone with them.

messages between richi and blue

richi 🇧🇷
what's your instagram?

blue 🤝
@lennonblue be aware
it's very chaotic on there
read 12:46

blue 🤝
need to post something
from last night do u want
to be in it ??

richi 🇧🇷
of course, all my
friends will be so
jealous 🤣🤣

blue 🤝
how come?

richi 🇧🇷
because you're THE
lennon blue are you're
talking to me plus you're
hot and all of the brazilian
team swoon over you 🤣😭

blue 🤝
OMG are you joking
you guys are all so hot
read 12:48

blue 🤝
didn't mean to admit
that whoops

richi 🇧🇷
thanks 🤣🤣

richi 🇧🇷
they were all too scared
to follow you on instagram
but i'll do it now to piss them
off 😇😇

blue 🤝
tell neymar to follow
me back xx

richi 🇧🇷
he'll be so happy 😭
read 12:50

richi 🇧🇷
OMG your twins are so
cute 😭🥰

blue 🤝
i'll tell leon and auden
you said that 🤣

richi 🇧🇷
they have such cool
names i wish i had those

richi 🇧🇷
i'm stuck with richarlison 😭🤣

blue 🤝
i have lennon blue 💅

richi 🇧🇷
that name is so cool
it's like u were born
to be a star

blue 🤝
because i was xx

richi 🇧🇷

blue 🤝
gonna go stalk ur insta
see you later

richi 🇧🇷
bye blue
read 12:56

messages between livy and lennon

lennon 💞
richarlison is messaging me
and asked for my instagram
read 12:58

lennon 💞
then proceeded to say
the whole brazilian team
swooned over me 😭

livy 🤍
hold on WHAT !!
read 12:58

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