epilogue (one)

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LENNON was sat on the white sand, her chin rested on her knees as she watched her boyfriend and two sons run around the beach, well the twins were wobbling more like. they were only sixteen months, but were so lively and smart that you wouldn't think they were that young.

they still looked exactly like austin, even more now, and acted like him too. austin loved it because he could rub it in lennon's face all the time.

lennon and austin were stronger then ever, striving to make sure they never had any miscommunications or problems between them, and so far it had worked. austin had spent his days showing lennon that he had changed for the better.

the band was certainly doing well, selling out huge stadiums on their last tour which ended five months ago. they had released a third album a month after olivia and calum's engagement party.

speaking of olivia and calum, their wedding was the most insane one yet. it was full of everyone they had ever known and everything was so pretty, just like olivia wanted it.

and then speaking of engagements...

everything was set up for that night, without lennon knowing of course, austin was shitting it. he knew of course that more than likely she'd say yes, but in the back of his mind he was uncertain.

"lennon!" austin yelled, dragging out the 'n'. he had both babies in each arm, giggling at their dad as he walked over to her.

he put both of them on the ground and they immediately walked over to lennon, reaching their hands up to be lifted.

"you tired?" lennon asked the twins as they yawned in sync, austin laughing at them.

leon stood up and jumped into austin's lap, being caught immediately by his dads strong arms.

"you excited to see auntie liv, lovebug?" austin muttered into leon's hair as he held the toddler close, rubbing the back of his head soothingly.

"yes!" leon perked up at the mention of his favourite auntie.

"calum will be there too angel, and i heard that he loves watching moana with auntie olivia.." lennon grinned, making both boys grin.

the nickname "angel" was now the norm in the household, obviously coming from austin constantly calling lennon it, but eventually he also started to call the boys it too, and it stuck. when they were really small, austin would call them angel babies, which lennon hated.

"we better get going, olivia is expecting them in an hour." austin said, standing up with leon on his hip. lennon nodded, doing the same.

lennon sat across from austin, staring at him while he looked down at the menu, trying to choose his dessert. he had to be the most indecisive person she had ever met, like it was a dessert not some life changing decision.

"just choose the dessert freak, or i will leave immediately." she finally said, tapping her fingers on the table impatiently. "you're doing it on purpose now."

"i am." he cracked a toothy smile, making her shake her head in disappointment. the waiter came over and took their orders, the desserts only taking ten minutes to arrive.

"do you want to head down to the beach after? i read somewhere that the sunset is supposed to be incredible tonight." austin asked, turning his attention away from his food to her.

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