forty five

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"I FEEL LIKE we should tell our family's, lennon."

he suggested as they lay on his couch, sharing a bowl of popcorn. she stuffed a handful in her mouth before answering.

"uh huh, i think so too. only like immediate family though, no one else." she nodded.

they were still going with the whole secret pregnancy thing, and had kept it to themselves, except for olivia and calum, since they had found out weeks ago.

plus, she was over twelve weeks now, so it was safe to tell people.

"so there's, my dad and sister, your siblings, dad and grandparents. yeah?"

"yeah. i could organise a facetime with us all if you want?" she said. he nodded and smiled.

"my dads gonna be so happy." he told her.

"calling it, my da will be like "uhm lennon what the actual fuck" but after a week he'll cool down and get excited."

"fuck, really?" austin went pale thinking about her dad being annoyed at them.

"yeah. you learn how to deal with him after a while. he's just an irish da, that's what they're like i guess." she shrugged.

"our dads are so different then." austin said.

"really? how?"

"i mean, my dad is basically a golden retriever, he's so soft. but your dad is.. he's tough and of course he loves you but it's cool seeing how different people's parents are."

"i agree but i love my dad." she smiled.

"should we tell them now?" he asked eagerly.

"i think so."

"oh my god! it's my beautiful sister!" lennon grinned as the boxes on the screen started to fill up with austin and her family.

soon enough everyone was on call, and eager to know what was happening.

"so.." austin started, looking at lennon, "we have important news."

"please don't say your breaking up." grace gasped, crossing her fingers.

"hardly." lennon chuckled.

"so basically, this is hard to say.."

"i'm pregnant." lennon blurred out, making everyone gasp and widen their eyes.

"what! congrats son." austin's dad grinned, happy for his son.

lennon's dad however.. didn't say anything.

"da, please say something." lennon frowned, feeling tears prick her eyes.

"look love, i'll support you but i'm not saying i agree with it. you're twenty, it's a lot of work." he smiled softly, making her sigh in relief.

"thanks da. oh by the way, it's twins." lennon added.

"oh my god." jacob's jae dropped.

"lennon brady! you dirty gal!" grace exclaimed, making a tutting noise.

"piss off." lennon rolled her eyes.

"do you know the genders?" austin's sister asked curiously.

"not yet, but we should know in the next few weeks." austin told her.

"i'm happy for you, aus." she smiled.

"thank you."

"well this has been wonderful, but my wedding is next week and i've to plan a few more bits, love you all!" grace smiled, leaving the call.

eventually after a while everyone left the chat and austin and lennon sighed out of relief. it was a huge weight lifted off of their shoulders.


"yes please."

hi lovelies!! i've been busy studying for exams so apologies for the delay on this shite chapter 😭 i will try to update quicker lol

stay safe xx

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