twenty nine

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"olivia is dating calum?" austin gasped in shock, turning his head to look at lennon.

the two were in her backyard, lying on the grass and watching the stars together.

"yeah i know right! and the worst part is.. i seen them kiss." she closed her eyes, making a gagging sound.

"too much information."

"and like.. it's so weird because they're cute together, but i would've never put them together... ever."

"exactly. they're so alike though too." austin agreed.

"anyway." lennon sighed. "come on, get in a tiktok with me."

"what? i'm not doing that." he shook his head with a laugh. she gave him and look before standing up and pulling her phone out of her hoodie pocket.

she pulled him up too and leant the phone against a plant on the floor, beginning to film.

snap out of it, by arctic monkeys was playing and he spun her around. she grabbed his shoulders and shook them.

the two laughed the more they danced, even after the sound ended.

"that's a good one." she threw her head back, watching the tiktok again. she posted it to her spam account, that only had twenty followers, mostly her family and very close friends.

"i nearly fell over, look." austin pointed at the phone, causing her to laugh even more.

"i'm publicly posting this video on your birthday, so watch out." she smirked at him.

"i'll kill you if you do that."

"well that wouldn't be very nice, would it mr butler?" she raised a brow.

"everyone's a bit mean sometimes, miss brady." he winked.

"uh huh.."

lennon leant her phone against a plant pot that was placed on top of austin's piano and started her live on instagram. cardigan was about to release, so she figured it would be nice to celebrate with her fans.

"heya slags," she greeted, blowing a kiss at the screen. there was already twenty thousand people watching. "how are ya?"

"lucy says she's about to throw herself off a cliff.. girl please don't, you're too sexy for that."

"anyway, cardigan is out in ten minutes! everyone jump!" she laughed. "but i hope you guys like it because i'll fucking kill every single of of yous if you don't."

"anyway.. because you're all so so nice, i've decided to play you the song on my- a piano."

she started to play the keys, the comments overflowing with fans. when she started singing, there was near a million people watching.

as the song went on, more people joined. lennon hadn't been looking at the amount of people so there could've been ten people watching and she wouldn't of cared.

when the song finished she finally looked at the number of people watching, which was at 1.3 million. she nearly fell off of her chair.

all she wanted to do in that moment was call austin in and show him, but instead, he was sat in the other room watching from his phone.

"christ, there a million people watching.. uhm, thank you?! i'm overwhelmed. my first ever single cardigan is out now, please go stream it! love you." she smiled, quickly ending the live.

"rockstar!" austin shouted from the other room, making her laugh.

"shut up." she rolled her eyes, walking into the living room where he was laying on the couch.

"never." he stuck his tongue out at her.

"austin." she started.

"lennon." he copied.

"can i ask you a question?" she asked hesitantly, sitting down beside him.


"what are we?" it was a question that had been floating around both their heads for the past few days.

"whatever you want us to be."

she smiled and turned her head to look at him.

"what do you want us to be, lennon?" he repeated, moving closer to her.

"a couple, of course." she shrugged.

"well then, we're a couple." he smiled, placing his hand on her cheek and leaning into her face. she met half way and kissed him.

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liked by harrystyles and 14,586,586 others

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liked by harrystyles and 14,586,586 others.

lennonblue cardigan is out !! so happy right not THANK U. is brea liom tú 🤍✨🫀💌☀️

username she is the moment

zendaya been playing on repeat!

taylorswift loved it!!

username yes

selenagomez fave song omg

oliviadejonge MY BABY

harrystyles congrats blue x

username HOT

kaiagerber congrats girlie! 💞

calumhood oh...

calumhood LOVE IT.

austinbutler it's incredible blue
lennonblue thank u

username UHM HELLO?!

username SCREAMING

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