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LENNON didn't realise how sad it was going to be finally going back home, after what felt like ages. the last time she was home was only two months ago, but it seemed longer.

losing a parent is hard, especially when you trick yourself into thinking they'll get better.

lennon had stayed with her dad for seven months after her mother's passing. he didn't deserve to be by himself and neither did she. luckily, she was in a position where she had that time to stay home and grieve, but grace didn't. she was filming euphoria at the time and wasn't able to leave. she had jacob of course, but it still didn't feel right.

their dad appreciated his girls and loved them to bits. the brady's were a close family, and family always came first in their household.

for example, lennon declined a runway with chanel two years ago because her dad needed help on the farm. she got over it, kind of.

"welcome to ireland, baby." lennon grinned as the plane landed. austin squeezed her hand and watched her.

"welcome home." he kissed her forehead. after a few minutes they were allowed leave the plane. grace and jacob were trailing behind them as they went to collect their bags.

"love the smell of a fag," lennon said to grace, the two girls sniffing the air, "haven't had one in ages."

"what?" austin and jacob said in sync, not understanding the slang.

"a fag-" grace furrowed her brows, but was cut off by lennon.

"oh, we mean a cigarette."

"right." jacob said hesitantly.

the four of them grabbed their bags and made their way out of the airport. the taxi was outside already, waiting for them. they all got in and drove to the family home.

"i'm buzzing to see da," grace squealed excitedly. "aren't you excited lennon?"

of course, she was over the moon getting to see her dad again, but the memories of her mother were replaying over and over in her head and it wouldn't stop.

"y-yeah, of course. can't wait to see bonnie too, heard she's gotten huge." her leg bounced, which didn't go unnoticed by austin. his hand was quickly resting on her thigh, making her stop.

"stop it, stop it! i'm gonna cry." grace screamed as she saw the house. she was like a child on christmas after getting the toy they've wanted all year.

their da was waiting at the door step, smiling when he saw the car pull up.

and just like that, when the car stopped, the two girls were gone and in their fathers arms. as if they were nine and five years old again.

"missed you so much, da." lennon attempted to hold back the tears that were threatening to stream down her face, but they were too strong. she began to sob.

"ah bless, c'mere love," he tutted, kissing both his girls' heads. "yous are alright. i have my girls back and that's all we need."

austin and jacob soon joined the three and were introduced, jacob for the third time and austin for the first.

"and tell me young man, you better fucking treat my daughter well or i'm telling ya, you'll be fucking threw a box and you'll be gone out of my gaff." her father sternly said, slightly scaring austin.

"yes, sir." he nodded.

"look who it is!" grace said all of a sudden when the back door opened. their nana and grandad were walking into the house.

"my dolls." their nana sighed, opening her arms and hugging the two of them tightly.

"love you nanny." grace mumbled.

lennon had been out on the farm the whole day, with her dad and grandad. the rest of them stayed back, wrapping presents and all that christmas stuff. austin and jacob were literal best friends now.

she threw her wellies off at the back door, quietly walking in without anyone noticing. austin was standing in the kitchen by himself, on the phone.

"no, i'm sorry, i cant. i'm all the way in ireland, i promise we'll do something when i get back-" he sighed, rubbing his temples.

"austin-" the person said, obviously upset.

"i gotta go." he mumbled, hanging up the phone. "hey angel."

"heya, you alright? you look a bit worried." she frowned, moving closer to him.

"i'm fine. just my sister, wanting me back home even though she said it was fine for me to come here for the holidays." he sighed.

"you could always go back. i could book you w ticket if you want-" she asked. he shook his head no and pulled her into him.

"angel, i said i'm fine. i'm happy here, with you." he chuckled.

"and you're sure? i can book-"

"shut up." he laughed.

"never." she scoffed.

the evening was spent watching christmas movies on the couch together, eventually the rest of the family joined and sat in front of the fire, sharing stories.

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lennonblue it's a christmas miracle !!

username snow !!

jacobelordi it's so cold
lennonblue no shit

florencepugh there's no snow in england 😐
lennonblue ireland on top


gracebrady my jacket ??
lennonblue yes xxx

username love her

taylorswift merry christmas!!
lennonblue same to you doll x

username yesssss

oliviadejonge miss uuuuu
lennonblue fly out pls

austinbutler so pretty
lennonblue i'm blushing

username THEM.

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