thirty five

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"AND THEN I RAN to the bathroom and literally i swear, i've never seen someone puke as much as i did this morning."

lennon ranted to olivia as she added lipgloss to her lips, to complete her make up look for the second premiere in sydney.

"but you were fine yesterday and you're literally fine right now?" she cocked a brow, tying up her heels.

"exactly! that's why i'm so confused. don't tell austin though, i'll say it to him later." lennon told her.

"of course. i'm just so confused because like you ate way more than you normally would a breakfast this morning as well.." the blonde crossed her arms over her stomach.

lennon took one final look at herself in the mirror and nodded, liking the way the dress hugged her figure.

"i know.. and i look so bloated not because of it." she groaned.

"wait girl," olivia suddenly said. "when was your last period?"

"i don't know like.." lennon thought got for a minute, her eyes widening. "fucking hell i'm really late."

"no way, no way." olivia gasped, covering her mouth. the two shared a look and tried to hold back a laugh.

"this can't be happening, i'm panicking." lennon covered her face with her hands.

"uhm.. i actually think i have a test in my handbag. let me check.." olivia rushed, grabbing her bag and routing through it.

"why do you have a test?"

"funny story." olivia winked.

"ew okay.."

"here." olivia nodded, handing lennon the test. "we have thirty minutes so quickly!"

both their faces went white as they stared at the test. lennon could feel tears threatening to ruin her makeup.

"nah, i thought one austin was enough, olivia.. i cant fucking deal with two!" she paced around the hotel room.

"lennon.. i love you and this is huge news, but we have to go." olivia told her, pulling her into a hug. "worry about it later."

"okay.. okay." she breathed out, rolling her shoulders back.

the two left the hotel and met their boyfriends in the car, glancing over at each other.

austin took lennon's hand as the two stepped out of the car, entering the building. the carpet started right at the entrance and the cameras immediately started to flash.

they shared a final kiss before he stepped onto the carpet first. olivia followed after him, sending lennon a reassuring smile.

calum and lennon went together, taking lots of pictures together. one of him holding her in his arms. the two laughed their heads off at each pose.

she found austin again at the end of the carpet and walked into the screening with him.

"are you okay? you seem worried." austin whispered in her ear as they walked in, tightening his grip on her waist.

"i'm fine."

"lennon.. are you sure?"

"yes, angel." she laughed softly, kissing his cheek. 

lennonblue has posted to their story!

lennonblue has posted to their story!

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hi guys xx

so anyways what do u think will happen? i'm an absolute whore for a pregnancy plot lol. will lennon keep the baby?


love uuuuu xx

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