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EVERY YEAR for the past, god knows how many years, the brady family have hosted a new years eve party for all their friends and family. their house is a hotspot every new years and there hasn't ever been a year where it hasn't been absolutely hopping in there.

this year, both brady sisters invited their friends to the party. so they're flying over today, and are all staying in a rented house down the road.

"so, who'd you invite? olivia?" austin questioned his girlfriend as he pushed ellie's pram down the path.

he couldn't get enough of that tiny human.

"yeah, harry, calum, max, zac and vinnie as well." she nodded, shaking the baby today over the pram to get ellie to sleep.

"oh alright." he hummed, making a face at the baby. she giggled and kicked her legs up.

should i also mention that lennon secretly invited austin's family? yeah, and he didn't even know.

"i think the boys are planning on filming a music video while we're all together. they like the 'aesthetic' of ireland apparently, so even though we haven't even recorded video games yet, we're filming a music video," she ranted, "isn't that so stupid."

"it is what it is, isn't that right ellie bellie?" austin laughed, rubbing ellie's cheek softly.

"ellie can you tell uncle austin that he's annoying?" lennon said in her baby voice.

"no- no- ellie you're too young for that inappropriate language." austin tutted.

"she's too young for any language." she rolled her eyes.


she ran around her bedroom, trying to find her heels, which she swore she had left beside her mirror. eventually, she found them in her wardrobe and slipped them on.

everyone was already arriving and she could hear the chatter from downstairs. she could even make out olivia's australian accent.

footsteps were heard coming up the wooden stairs, and soon enough olivia was peering through the gap between the door and wall.

"hey bitch," she yelped, running over to her best friend. "you look so hot!"

"christ, i missed you so much. was stuck with grace for way too long." she joked, hugging olivia tightly.

"come on, everyone's downstairs already." the blonde nodded her head towards the door and grabbed lennon's hand. they walked down together, greeting members of lennon's family on the way.

"oh- and there's my auntie val, how are you chicken?" she fake smiled.

"ah sure, i'm grand love. your father has really got the house looking well, fair play to him." val gushed.

"it's stunning." lennon nodded, moving onto the next person.

"olivia- lennon!" someone whispered shouted from behind the two girls. they both turned around to see jacob.


"i need help with something." he deadpanned, looking around as if to make sure no one was listening.

"shoot." olivia nodded, obviously intrigued by his words.

"i'm gonna propose to grace tonight and i need your help with videoing and music and stuff." he whispered.

"oh my god!" lennon shrieked, shaking jacob by the shoulders in excitement.

"i'll do it in like two hours, i'll make sure you know." he said, "get cal to help too."

he walked off, leaving both girls in shock.

"take that fucking bottle of vodka away from grace." lennon rushed over to her sister and grabbed the bottle, making grace groan.

"what the fuck?" she raised her brows.

"i'm gonna cry! this is amazing!" olivia squealed, throwing her arm around lennon's shoulder, "we need to track down cal."

"yeah, cmon." she agreed. the two went around the house to search for their dark haired friend, "there he is."

calum was leant up against the doorframe, talking to lennon's older cousin, sarah. lennon didn't miss the way olivia's smile dropped when she saw the two.

"calum," lennon whispered from behind him, catching his attention. "hey queen- so basically, jacob is proposing to grace."

"what! shit," he gasped, covering his mouth, "dude, i'm so happy."

"we are too, so get your australian arse upstairs so we can plan." olivia smiled, grabbing his hand.

they all locked themselves in lennon's room and sat down, reading the text jacob had sent her of the plan.

"so he's gonna make a speech on the patio and then ask her to come up and then ask her. but he wants music and a video and stuff." lennon told them.

"i'll do the video." calum nodded.

"yeah, great. i'll occupy grace and then bring her up." olivia agreed.

"so i'll do music." lennon said.

"we have an hour and a bit." olivia told them, looking at her phone.

"let's go!" calum hyped, jumping up.

"okay then."

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