fifty nine

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IT had been a month since the trip to spain to see richarlison and things had been.. quiet? lennon didn't know what had happened, one minute they were lying on his hotel room bed and the next they hadn't spoke in a week. it was weird but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt because he was busy.

until he sent her a text basically saying he had met a new woman and broke things off with her. laugh out loud.

but she got over it, kind of, because that's what a good mother does, puts her kids first and doesn't show anyone their sad. obviously austin knew something was up with her, he knew her too well.

"are you sure you're okay blue?" he asked again, probably for the seventh time today.

"i'm fine austin, seriously." she sighed, holding auden in her arms as he slept, austin was on the other couch with leon on his chest.

silence overtook the room and the only noise was eastenders playing on the tv, lennon had recently gotten austin into all the soaps and he was obsessed.

"how many kids does phil mitchel have anyway?" austin asked her.

"far too many, he's a s-l-a-g." she spelt the last bit out, as both her kids were present in the room with them, and honestly, she felt guilty whenever she cursed in front of them.

"you excited for australia?"

that was another thing that had happened in the past month, calum and olivia's engagement. like what the fuck..

anyways, their engagement party was in australia because most of their family wouldn't be able to fly over to the u.s.

"i'm so happy for them, honestly, they deserve it." she smiled, nodding at him.

"can i tell you a secret?" austin said, turning his focus completely to lennon, who nodded. "i bought a ring, a few months ago before everything."

"seriously?" her jaw could've dropped at that confession, was he serious?

"yeah, didn't i tell you i wanted to marry you?" he chuckled softly, rubbing leon's back so he didn't have to look at lennon.

"i don't think we're completely done austin, if i'm being honest.." it came out a bit more quieter than planned, but he heard it either way, "because you've showed me these past two months that you do care, and that you realised your mistakes."

he didn't know what to say, because that's what he had been waiting for all this time.

"and i'll spent every day, until i'm old and fat, proving to you that i do love and care for you, because i am genuinely sorry. i know you didn't get to experience a happy birth and i'm pretty sure that will always eat away at me."

"you know i still do love you austin?" she smiled sadly.

"but should you love me, lennon?"

"you know that one weeknd lyric? i choose you even though you break my heart, that's what i'm telling you." she chuckled.

"thank you, lennon, really. i appreciate everything you've done for me and the boys, i mean, you could've easily not let me see them, but you didn't."

"they're yours too, austin."

"i know."

short chapter i knowwww

guys... i'm sorry for not updating earlier, i'm trying to see what direction i want to bring this book in, but i've figured it out xxx

ANYWAYSSSS enjoy these next few chapters because sadly it's coming to an end 😭😭😭

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