thirty three

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SHE smiled for the many camera in front of her, posing in different ways. olivia snuck up behind her, making her jump slightly. the two girls erupted in laughs and threw their arms over each others shoulders, taking several photos together. lennon moved down the carpet, leaving olivia to get her own photos taken.

"oi, lennon get over here!" austin shouted at the girl, cupping his hands over his mouth. she laughed before moving over to him.

"they're gonna know." she whispered into his ear as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in closer.

he smirked, looking down at her.

"austin! lennon! are you guys back together?!" someone shouted from the crowd.

lennon's face went pale, this is what she was dreading. austin rubbed her waist before walking over to the barrier where the cameras were.

he stood up on the barrier and looked back at lennon with a grin.

"i love lennon blue fucking brady with my whole heart, and if you guys don't like that then fuck right off!" he yelled with a grin, looking out at the fans and photographers.

lennon gasped, covering her mouth. "austin, what the hell!"

"what's wrong baby?" he smirked, walking back over to her on her carpet. her face softened and she grabbed his hand.

"i love you." she said shyly.

he grabbed both sides of her fave, and she copied the action. she stood up on her tip toes and they shared a kiss.

lennon walked out of the screening room with tears running down her face. the movie had made her sob uncontrollably for absolutely no reason at all. sure, she was an elvis fan but she want that hardcore. calum was walking with her.

everyone was lead into the after party and she searched the room for austin or olivia.

"where the hell are they?" calum mumbled as they walked around the room.

"found them." lennon narrowed her eyes at one girl in particular, who was talking to her boyfriend and olivia. olivia rolled her eyes as the girl started laughing.


"hey angel how are you?" lennon smirked, kissing her boyfriend in front of kaia.

"hey baby, you uh know kaia yeah?" austin uncomfortably smiled as kaia looked lennon up and down. he mouthed a 'help me' to lennon.

"do i know her?"she scoffed. "hey girl, how are you?"

austin left the group with calum to go get drinks for everyone.

"i'm just great. where's your dress from? the trash can?"

"oh please, look at yourself girl." lennon chuckled.

"what's wrong with me?"

"mmh... everything?"

"you bitch!"

"awh, go home crying to you're ma, she might give you a shout out on her instagram or something."

"at least i have a fucking mom."

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