1.1 Steve Rogers

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Ever since you turned one, Steve tried to get you to talk. Although your doctor assured him that it was totally normal for you not to talk yet, Steve grew more nervous with each passing day, fearing you'll hang behind in later years too.

Every evening, at the exact same time, Steve would pick you up and get you into a quiet environment, claiming that a organised schedule will help you learn. He then sits down with you and proceeds to slowly sound out words to you.

He didn't now it yet, but today was the day.

"Come on, Sweetheart. Say da-da!" He says, expectedly looking down at you.

You didn't answer, like you hadn't the last two months of him trying, instead you are watching him with your fingers in your mouth, gambling random sounds.

Steve sighs. "Well, we can try again tomorrow, Sweetheart." As if on cue, you let out a big yawn. "I think someone's ready for bed, huh?"

He picks you up and places you on his hip, heading for your nursery, aka his room. Steve placed you in your crib and gives you your favourite plush animal.

Steve was expecting you to throw a tantrum, like you do every evening. So, he was prepared for your scream, but instead he heard a little voice mumble, "capsicle!"

He stopped in his steps, half expecting his imagination got the better off him, but when you repeated yourself, Steve turned and picked you up, beaming down at you. You were just looking at him, happy to not go to sleep yet.

"Well done, Sweetheart. I'm so proud of you," He says, kissing your head. "although i think you are spending too much time with Tony."

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