1.9 Sam Wilson

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Sam had to leave for another mission soon and called his sister if he could dropped you off at hers for a couple of days.

He only got back from his previous mission and hated to leave you again, but Steve was asking him for this favour and he couldn't just ditch him.

You didn't like it when your Dad was leaving either and were already in a sour mood when he put you in the car. Because every time you were visiting your aunt, it meant your Dad was leaving you again.

Sam got into the drivers seat and started the car. "Don't give me that look, princess, please." He sighed, knowing that you were angry with him. You only huffed in response and turned to look out of the window.

As you reached Sarah's house, Sam got out of car and knocked on the door. Sarah opened the door and hugged her brother as a welcome.

"You leaving again?" She asked, pulling away from him.

Sam nodded, looking back at you still sitting in the car. "Only for a couple of days though, i'll be back in no time."

Sarah sighed and opened your car door. "She's missing you, Sam."

"I know, I know. I just-"

"Papa no leave!" You interrupted your Dad, fussing and crying as Sarah tries to pick you up.

"Oh princess, it's okay." He shushed you, taking you from his sisters arms. "Papa's here, alright? Papa's staying."

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