5.4 Bucky Barnes

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You couldn't scream. Your chest felt too tight and your throat was closing up, you were trying to shout but you couldn't.

You couldn't stop wheezing, trashing your arms and trying desperately to breathe but the effort was futile.

No one could hear you. No one will ever know that you were dying, that there was a hole in your chest filling with blood and pain and such unbearable agony.

There was so much of it, so much blood, hot and sticky and pooling around you and you couldn't-, you couldn't-

"Y/N-- Y/N, doll, wake up-- wake up-"

You jerked up so quickly you doubled over. You were heaving in deep, harsh, gasping breaths, so overcome, so relieved to be able to get oxygen into your lungs that you couldn't speak, couldn't do anything but try to inhale as much as possible.

Your whole body was shaking and your skin was clammy, going from hot to cold too quickly.

Eventually, you calmed down and your breathing evened out, your body stopped shaking and your eyes focused on your surroundings.

Bucky was sitting next to you, keeping his distance so he wouldn't startle you. His brows were furrowed and a couple of times he reached out to touch you, only to retrieve his hands and wait until you were feeling calmer.

He knew all too well how bad such dreams could get and he knew better than to interfere and make it worse just to lift his own worries. Instead, he waited and let you cool down.

"Doll?" He questioned. "Can you hear me?"

You nodded and your body visibly relaxed.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" Bucky kept asking, trying to interfere in your fears and doubts as much as possible.

You nodded and shifted slowly to face him, carefully reaching out to him. Bucky cautiously grabbed your arms and pulled you closer, making sure you were comfortable.

"I'll get you some water."

"Stay..." You mumbled and hugged him tight, afraid to be alone.

"Okay." Bucky gave you a reassuring smile and settled back down. "You wanna try and go back to sleep?"

You shook your head while your body tensed at the thought of the pain you felt only minutes ago.

"That's okay. What about a snack?"

You shook your head.

Bucky thought for a moment. "Where's your book?"

"Mmh?" You looked up at your Dad, confused by his request. "Over there, why?" You pointed to your nightstand.

Bucky grabbed your book and opened it, placing the bookmark on the sheets of your bed.

"So, where did you stop?"

"There." You motioned to the last paragraph on the page.


"Mhm." You confirmed.

"Good." Bucky cleared his throat and started reading.

"Are you sure you want to kiss me with my eyes all red and puffy?" He fisted her hair gently, tugging until they were nose to nose. "I especially want to kiss you with your eyes red and puffy."

The moment their mouths collided, Brenden knew he'd made a mistake. He should have waited to kiss her until they were home in his bed-》

"Are you sure you're old enough for this?" Bucky cringes.

You rolled your eyes. "Shut up and keep going." You laughed and Bucky soon joined in, watching you carefully as you got comfortable next to him, eyes slowly closing, a small smile still grazing your features.

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