2.11 Vision

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"How are you feeling now, mh?" Vision beamed, visibly proud at himself for changing your diapers. You looked up at him, eyes dry for once, and smiled. Vision lifted you into his arms, getting his first hug of the day.

"Wow," Wanda stuck her head in the nursery, attracted by your silence. "I can't believe she finally stopped crying."

Vision turned around to face her, the smile and relief still prominent on his face. "It's been a... uh, challenge, yeah." He stammered, you still in his arms.

Wanda chuckled and walked up to you two, carefully taking you from Visions arms. "Look at you, beautiful baby!" She cooed,"do you want to play now? Yes, yes?" She beamed as you babbled happily, flapping your arms around in excitement.

She tickled your sides lightly, making you giggle uncontrollably, as she went to the lounge room where all your toys laid. Wanda sat you down on the carpeted floor, and while she did the same, she motioned Vision to join her.

Vision, who was still a bit unsure how to meet your needs, had almost always skipped your playtime. Not because he didn't want you to have fun, but because his system told him so. Whenever you were playing and enjoying yourself, you'd be squealing and screeching, expressing your happiness. His system, though, would always read these noises as sounds of pain or discomfort.

Not being able to tell if you really were having fun, he skipped playing with toys altogether.

But Wanda, who always had an eye on you and Vision, tried her best to help him adjust and learn, and ultimately, giving you the fun a baby should have.

Like right now. Wanda was pushing your wooden toy cars around the lounge, initiating you to follow her, crawling, of course. Vision was watching you closely, always just one step behind you, and ready to step in if necessary.

While Wanda kept pushing the car around and you were still following her, you realised how unfair this game was. She pushed the car way too fast, sometimes even teasing you, pushing it out of your reach seconds before you could've grabbed it!

This annoyed you so much that you decided you were done with crawling.

Pushing up on your legs, slowly and wobbling from left to right, you were determined to take not only your first steps but the damn car, too!

You carefully balanced yourself and were ready to walk...

Wanda was giddy watching you as you pushed yourself up, practically beaming! She couldn't believe it. She was practising with you for only a couple of days and didn't expect you to learn so fast.

She watched on as you balanced yourself and lifted your leg to take your first step and... suddenly were wisked into the air and into the arms of a certain red robot!

"What the-" Wanda screeched. "Why did you do that?"

Vision shrugged and avoided her eyes. "She could have fallen!" He defended his actions.

Wanda sighed, rolling her eyes slightly. "Listen, I get that you're worried, but she needs to learn how to walk!" She took a deep breath to calm herself. "You know, sometimes it's okay if she falls or makes mistakes. That's part of growing up, and if she doesn't learn that now, she'll never will."

Vision looks down at you in his arms, rubbing your back lovingly and considering Wanda's words.

"What if she gets hurt?"

"Then you'll be there for her and help her relieve the pain."

He sighed and sat you back down on the floor. "Okay." He took the toy car and started pushing it.

Wanda smiled, and they both watched as you chased the car again, ready to catch it this time.

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