3.1 Steve Rogers

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"I want that report on my desk first thing tomorrow morning, Rogers!" Fury shouted after Steve, who quickly left the quinjet, pinching the bridge of his nose at the thought of writing this paper.

Steve just came home from an exhausting mission. Unfortunately, it didn't go as smoothly as planned and now Fury was up on Steve's arse.

"Yeah, yeah. First thing tomorrow morning, got it." He muttered, waving the director off.

To be honest, Steve didn't plan on finishing that report tonight, his mind was already somewhere else. He hadn't seen you in almost a week and he missed you dearly. All he wanted was to make sure that you were okay, and get a full night of sleep.

While he was gone, Bucky was watching and probably spoiling you and so it wasn't a surprise that Steve saw you and Bucky sitting in front of the TV, watching a movie, although it was way past your bedtime.

Steve sighed and put down his shield, leaning it against the wall of the living room.

Hearing the commotion behind you, you shifted on the couch and turned around, spotting Steve in the doorway.

"Dad, you are back!" You squealed and jumped up from the couch.

"Hey, Sweetheart!" Steve smiled and picked you up. "Everything alright here?"

You hummed in agreement. "Uncle Bucky and I are watching this movie, come on, you'll like it!" You take his hand and lead him to the couch.

"Dunno, Sweetheart. It's late and you have to sleep. See, even uncle Bucky is already asleep." He said and pointed at Bucky, who indeed was out like a light.

"But Dad! I'm not even tired yet and the movie is really good!" You tried to reason with your Dad.

"Fine, but only a couple more minutes."

"Deal!" You smiled and pushed Steve on the couch. "Now, sit." You got up on the couch yourself and shuffled closer to your Dad, leaning against him as Steve put an arm around you.

You two continued to watch the movie, until you heard light snoring. You looked up at your Dad and saw that he was sleeping.

You reached for the blanket on the table and threw it over the three of you, tugging yourself in between Steve and Bucky. "Good nights, guys. Love you." You mumbled before you drifted off yourself.

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