5.6 Stephen Strange

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"Dad!" You yelled up the narrow staircase. "I'm bored!"

You waited for him to answer but... nothing.

"Dad!" You tried again. "Please, come down!"

"If you keep yelling like this, Wong will throw you out personally." Says a calm voice from behind you.

You spin around, your heart racing. "Gosh, Dad. You scared me!"

Stephen stood in front of you, a book in hand and his cloak floating slightly behind him. He was watching you, as you recovered from the shock.

"You called me?" He asked, eyes still roaming the pages of his book.

You rolled your eyes at his attitude. "Yes, dear Father. I requested your presence." You mocked.

"What is it?"

Another eye-roll.

"I'm bored!" You whined, dramatically slumping down on the stairs behind you.

Finally, Stephen lifted his eyes from his book and watched you carefully. "If I remember correctly, which I do, it's your fault."

You glared up at your Dad, arms crossed over your chest. "It was one thing to get detention, but house arrest?" You mumbled. "That's on you."

Stephen smirked slightly. "Don't be mad at me, Darling. Two more weeks, and you're free."

You furrowed your brows, indeed mad at your father, until you got an idea.

Stephen noticed the growing smirk on your face and he didn't like it one bit. "No, whatever it is, no."

"I haven't even told you yet!" You protested.

Stephen sighed, realising there was no way out of this. "Fine. What's on your mind?"

Your smirk grew even more.

"Well, since I'm stuck in the Sanctum for another two weeks, without WiFi or any electronics to entertain myself,"

You stood up from the stairs and rounded your Dad,

"I thought it would be the best for all of us if you and Wong start training me." You were now in front of your Dad, staring up at him with hopeful eyes... and a little pout, for the effect.

Stephen stared at you before he quickly turned around and marched down the hallway, the cloak right behind him. "No," was all he said.

"Wait what?" You questioned. "Dad, come back! It's your own fault!" You mocked. "Should have let me stay in New York!"

Stephen suddenly stopped and turned around to you. "Will you shut up if we teach you?"

You nodded, beaming with excitement.

Stephen sighed and opened a portal. "Library, 5 AM tomorrow. Don't be late!" With that, he stepped through the portal and disappeared.

At 5 AM sharp the next morning, you, Wong and your Dad were sitting in the library, books in hand and ready to start but...

"I don't understand." You stated. "Why are we sitting here, reading, while the Ancient One and her students are doing the cool stuff outside?"

"Because," Wong said, "every great sorcerer has to start somewhere.

"But why the library?" You whined.

Stephen breathed out impatiently. "Y/N, just- just read, please." He pleaded, already regretting his decision.

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