2.1 Steve Rogers

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"No!" You screamed, throwing your spoon on the floor, a deep frown fixed on your face.

Steve sighed, he was trying to feet you for the past forty minutes and you still have to hold the spoon in your hands for longer than 10 seconds.

"Sweetheart, you need to eat!" He says, getting annoyed with your fussing.

"No!" You repeated.

"Fine." Your Dad huffs, before he's standing up and leaves the room.

This baffled you. You've never seen your Dad getting so worked up with you. He usually enjoys your little tantrums, claiming you are just building confidence. So, you expected your Dad to come back soon, that's why you waited patiently in your seat.

But much to your dismay, Steve didn't return, even after 15 minutes, there was no sign of your Dad coming back for you.

Now you regret your little outburst, after all, you didn't mean to upset him, you just didn't like the food.

You felt bad and that's why you decided, that, if your Dad isn't coming for you, you would go to him. Putting your plan to action, you slip down your chair and land on your feet. This was your first time walking, or trying for that matter. It was difficult and you had to try really hard to stay in your feet.

When you finally balanced yourself, you start calling for Steve, but you receive no answer.

"Daddy?" You try again. When you didn't hear anything, you got scared and slowly leave the room.

As you reached the room next door, you saw your Dad talking to auntie Nat. His back was turned to you and he didn't notice you running up to him, until you hugged his leg tightly.

"Am sorry Daddy." You mumbled, suddenly feeling very ashamed of your behaviour.

"Don't cry, Sweetheart. Daddy's not mad." He smiled softly. "Come on, let's get you some food you actually enjoy."

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