1.3 Bruce Banner

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You said your first word while Bruce took you to the store. He needed a few things and thought it would be a good idea if you'd tag along. That, or Tony had to watch over you.

Bruce pushed the shopping cart and turned right, into the toy isle. He proceeded to take a few toys he thought would activate your smartness, as Tony would call it.

Meanwhile you were sitting on your dad's shoulders, pulling at his hair and giggling uncontrollably.

Eventually you grew bored of your little game - to Bruce's relief - and started to look around.

Suddenly you spotted something familiar sitting on the shelves. The Hulk. You were very confused. Why would your Dad be sitting up there?

As Bruce turned to leave the isle, you started whining and whimpering. Your Dad thought nothing of it and why should he? You were a drama queen most of the time.

When you figured you wouldn't get what you wanted, you grew angry and pulled your dad's hair again, all while screaming 'hulk!' from the top of your lungs.

Bruce jumped at your sudden outburst and took you down from his shoulders. "Shh, Baby, you're scaring the customers." He muttered, not quit figuring out what just happened.

You stared at your Dad and pointed at the Hulk sitting on the shelf. "But- Hulk!" You repeated.

Bruce's face then broke out into a huge smile. "That's right, Baby, Hulk!" He beamed and took the toy down from the shelf. "Here he is, Sweetheart."

Now that you were finally satisfied and quiet, Bruce lifted you back on his shoulders, payed for your toys and left the store, the smile being plastered on his face for the rest of the day.

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