4.2 Tony Stark

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You grumbled as you pushed the doors of your school open and walked towards your Dad's car.

Tony opened the driver's door and got out to take your backpack from you, a smirk plastered onto his face.

"How was detention?" He asked, the smirk now directed at you.

You glared at your Dad and sat down in the backseat, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Oh come on, Pumpkin. Tell me!" Tony beamed and he practically jumped with excitement.

"Shut up! I'm not talking to you." You stated and looked out of the window, waiting for your Dad to start the engine and take you home.

Tony pouted at you, still expecting an answer. Eventually, he realised he won't get one and started the car. As you pulled into the driveway of Stark Tower, Tony tried to get you to talk again.

"I'm sorry, Pumpkin. It won't happen again, I promise!" He apologised and stretched out is pinky to seal the promise.

You mumbled a few profanities and stared at your Dad's outstretched hand, before you crossed your pinky with his and excepted his apology.

"Fine. But if you ever steal my homework again, I'll dye all your suits pink." You said.

Tony was about to agree, but you interrupted him. "And if you ever hide another sketch of my teacher in my assignments, I'll add glitter to the pink." You finished.

Tony hesitated then and contemplated your conditions. "Okay, deal." He agreed eventually. "But you have to understand me, Pumpkin. I couldn't let you graduate without going to detention once."

You just rolled your eyes and got out of the car, already thinking of a plan to get revenge.

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