3.8 Clint Barton

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"There is no way I'm watching this." Clint scoffed. "It's stupid."

You gaped at your Dad. "Stupid?" You screeched. "Are you out of your mind? This is Harry Potter!"

"And? Those movies don't make sense at all! Wizards and broomsticks and butter beer-"

You gasped. "How dare you! It's a cinematic masterpiece and you are like the only person on this planet that dislikes it."

You crossed your arms and slumped down on the couch. "And anyway, if you wouldn't fall asleep everytime we watch it, you would know what it's about."

"I can't help it! Everytime that boy opens his mouth, it's like my mind goes blank!"

This argument had been going on for years now, and it doesn't seem to end anytime soon. The Harry Potter movies have been your favourites since you were little and every few months you had a movie marathon. Now, today it was time for another marathon but Clint won't have it.

You two usually fought for a while until none of you were in the mood to watch anything, but today you were determined to watch your movies.

Clint and you kept yelling at each other until your mom came into the living room, clearly fed up with your behaviour.

"Okay, that is enough!" She yelled over yours and Clints voices. "Clint! You aren't watching anything today!"

Clint stared at your mom. "But-"

"No buts! You said you'd clean the garage today and you still haven't finished, now, move and get some work done." Laura said and pointed at the door, before she turned to you.

"Sweetie, what movie do you want to watch? Do we start with the first one, like usual? Are your snacks ready?" She smiled down at you sweetly.

You smirked and nodded your head, glancing at your Dad briefly. Clint stood in the doorway, his eyes were wide and he gaped at you, not amused.

"Alright, sweety. Sit down and get comfortable, I'll be with you in a minute." With that, she left the room, but not without glaring at Clint again.

You did as you were told and sat down, then you turned to look at your Dad and waved at him. "See you later daddy. Have fun!" You smirked.

Clint sighed and walked out. "You're cute but sometimes you annoy me." He muttered.

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