1.8 Clint Barton

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Your Mom and your siblings were out of town, leaving you with your dad.

Now, being watched by Clint Barton wasn't the worst thing to happen to a one year old. You two would do everything you weren't allowed to do when your mom was around:

He would feed you cold Pizza for breakfast (only the toppings obviously), then you two would watch TV and eat sweets, until your mom would come home and you had to pretend nothing had happened.

Yes, those were the 'cheat days' you loved so much.

But today Clints idea of watching you wasn't your type of fun:

He was carrying you on his hip, his bow and arrow in his other hand, making his way out of the house and closer to the woods. There stood a single tree with a target nailed to its middle. Clint placed you down on the green grass, placing you so that you could watch him practice.

He shot a few arrows, hitting the target's center, humming the Spongebob theme song. "Look what you are doing to me, Tiger. Here I am, humming the theme song of a show about a sponge who 'lives in a pineapple under the sea'..." He muttered.

As he mentioned the typical part of the song, your eyes shot up. You stared at your dad, a hopeful glimmer in your eyes, "Spongebob!", you squealed, though it sounded a bit indistinct.

Clint quickly dropped his bow, picking you up. "Really? That's what you chose? He asks, kissing your forehead, nevertheless being very proud of you. "Come on, Tiger. A few more episodes won't hurt, will they?" He said, has he walked you back to the house, singing the Spongebob theme song out loud.

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