3.5 Thor Odinson

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"And this, little one, is midguard." Your father motioned to the view in front of you. "It's a bit confusing at first, but I assure you, we'll have lots of fun."

You nodded at your father, overwhelmed with the new world you were about to discover.

"Point Break, it's about time you arrived! Everyone's waiting!"

"Man of Iron! It's a pleasure of meeting you yet again." Thor cheered, pulling Tony in for a hug, who's not as amused about it.

"Yeah, yeah, alright." Tony pulled away. "And this is the future Queen of Asgard?"

"This is my daughter, Y/N."

At the mention of your name, you looked up at the two men in front of you, unsure of how to approach the stranger.

"Do not be shy, little one." Your father assured you and picked you up. "Come on, I'll show you around."

About an hour later, you have met all the Avengers. They've been cautious with you at first, seeing how shy your were, but soon you warmed up and dived into conversation with them. They've showed you all kinds of stuff you've never seen on Asgard and you loved to discover how they function. But the best thing was by far what Tony was about to show you.

"Oh, if you enjoy Friday so much, then you'll love the TV!" Tony told you.

"A TV? What can it do? Does it talk like friday?" You asked excitedly.

"Ha! It's much better, I promise! No offence Fri."

Long story short: about three hours later, Thor started to wonder where you've run off to. The last time he saw you was when you left for the living room with Tony.

So, Thor set off to the living room and when he entered he saw you sitting in front of the TV. But not on the couch, like normal people, no in front of TV.

"Little one!" Thor exclaimed. "How long have you been sitting here?"

"What year is it?" You babbled, eyes red and swollen, still fixed on the screen.

"Okay, that's enough technology for a day." He said and picked you up.

"No! Father, please! Just this one movie!" You whined. "Tony said-"

"Stark! What did you do to my child?"

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