4.10 Peter Parker

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It was late, the sun already setting behind Queens skyline, when Peter finally made it home. He spent the afternoon at Ned's, studying for their upcoming chemistry exam, but he was too tired to continue and went home instead.

He unlocked the front door and stepped inside, happy to finally get some rest. 

But when he shut the door and shrugged out of his jacket, he noticed the eerie quiet in the apartment, the only sound coming from the kitchen, quiet and metallic.

As Peter walked further into the apartment, he was expecting you to sit in the living room, watching your favourite show, but you weren't there. Weird.

Peter entered the kitchen, and he saw May cooking, probably preparing dinner, but there was still no sign of you.

"Hey, May!" Peter greeted your aunt, slumping down on one of the chairs around the table. "Everything alright?"

May turned around briefly, glancing at Peter. "Peter," she sighed. "Could you do me a favour? Talk to your sister, would you?"

Peter furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

"She got detention," May explained. "For failure to complete homework, repeatedly."

"What?" He exclaimed, surprised.

"I know," May shrugged. "Her school called and sent her home. I've tried to talk to her but she wouldn't tell me."

Peter nodded and stood up, still confused. He was about to leave the kitchen when May stopped him.

"She is upset. Be gentle."

"Of course."

Peter walked down the shallow hallway until he reached your room and knocked.

"Y/N?" Peter called. "Can you let me in?"

"Go away." You mumbled.

Peter sighed and tried it again. "Come on, Y/N/N, talk to me."

You didn't reply, but soon he heard you rummaging on the other side of the door, muttering profanities as you tried to unlock the door.

You swung the door open (with so much force that Peter was surprised it didn't crash into the wall) and stomped back to your bed, slumping down on it and facing away from your brother.

Peter followed close behind and sat down next to you, giving you a minute to calm down before he started talking.

"So... you got detention. You screwed up-"

Your head shot around, and you glared at Peter, unimpressed by his attempt to cheer you up. Peter shut up immediately, and you two sat in silence again.

"What happened?" He asked eventually.

"Detention." You mumbled.

"Yeah, I figured that." Peter sighed. "I mean, why are you so upset? Honestly, I don't care about the detention. It happens." He shrugged.

"But I care!" You snapped and turned further away from Peter. "And May does." You mumbled to yourself.

"What?" Peter asked. "Is this about May?"

You just shrugged.

"Come on, Y/N, talking about it will make you feel better, I promise." He encouraged you.

You sat up and glanced at Peter before you shrugged again. "She was so disappointed when I got home... and I-, this wasn't my first detention, and it won't be my last but-"

You took a deep breath and continued.

"She always told me to try my best, that that is enough, but I didn't do it, though I should have." You looked at your brother, who still looked confused.

You sighed. "I didn't have my homework because I didn't do them, on purpose." You explained.

"It's just,- it was chemistry, and you know I hate chemistry, and Julie asked me if I'd like to hang out and I-, homework wasn't my priority, though it should've been. I just didn't plan on getting caught."

Another deep breath.

"And I know that I have upset May so much that I'm so angry at myself." You finish.

Peter took in all of what you have said and chose his next words carefully.

"Look, detention happens, to all of us, and just because you didn't do your homework once, the world won't end."

"And I know that you fear that you upset May, but I promise, none of us could really, ever disappointed her. When I got home, she wasn't angry or upset,"

"She wasn't?" You interrupted.

"No, she was worried."

You looked at your brother, puzzled.

"She was worried because you wouldn't tell her what bothered you or why you were so upset. She wasn't thinking about detention at all."

"And I promise you, when we'll see her at dinner, she'll be all over you, asking you if you're alright." Peter smiled.

You smiled too and relaxed visibly, your thoughts and fears finally settling down.

"But-" Peter added, a teasing smirk on his face. "You know what you did was wrong. The question is, how are you gonna make things right?"

You groaned and covered your ears, laughing loudly as you hid underneath your blanket.

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