5.2 Tony Stark

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"Pumpkin, I'm sorry, but you can't help Daddy." Tony apologised.

You wanted to help your Dad with one of his many suits, especially since he designed a new one, and you've been bugging him for the past hour, begging to help.

Unfortunately, you were too young to help in the lab (though Tony wouldn't mind, but Pepper forbid it) and he was afraid that you'd hurt yourself.

Now, after the rejection sung in, your bottom lip started to quiver and crocodile tears ran down your cheeks.

"But- but-" You sobbed. "I want to build!"

Tony sighed. He hates seeing you so upset and he knew that you only wanted to spend time with him. So, being the genius he is, he thought about how he could entertain you and work on his suit.

A few minutes passed until Tony pulled away from the hug he's been giving you. "You know what, Pumpkin?" He smiled brightly.

"What?" You whined, wiping at the tears on your face.

"Would you like to build your own suit?"

"What?" You asked confused.

But Tony didn't answer. Instead, he put you down and walked to one of the many cabinets that lined up the walls. He then opened the cabinet in the far corner of the room, one that hasn't been opened in years. A perfect hiding place.

He rummaged through its contents before he pulled out a box.

He walked back to his desk where you still sat waiting for him, and put the box down in front of you.

"This was supposed to be your Christmas present," He said, gazing down at the box. "-But whatever. Here, open it."

You pulled the box closer to you and started unwrapping it. You put the wrapping paper aside and a big lego box appeared.

You gaped down at it. "Are you for real?

"Mhm." Tony hummed.

"For real, for real?"


"This is amazing!" You shrieked. "Can I open it?


You opened the box and tipped its contents onto the floor of the lab.

"Will you build something with me? Pretty please?"

"Well," Tony looked at his designs laying on his desk, then back down at you and how you were rummaging through the pieces of lego. Then he shrugged and kneeled next to you. "Of course."

"Great! Now, I thought if we put this here..."

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