5.7 Loki Laufeyson

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"Okay, now lift your hand up a bit - no, no, not that high-, yes, that's better, love." Loki instructed.

"And now concentrate and channel your magic into your fingertips, carefully!"

And so you tried again and again and... again. Your father and you have been training all morning, trying to get you to control your magic.

Ever since your family discovered that you inherited magic like your father, they've desperately been trying to teach you. But you had troubles; your magic is powerful, and it takes a lot of strength and focus to control.

You slowly grew tired; the effort it takes to use your powers exhausting you. Your focus slipped for only a second, but still, your powers rioted out of your control and threatened to destroy the training room.

Luckily, your father realised soon enough what was happening and jumped to your rescue, saving you, himself, and Tony's bank account from a catastrophe.

Loki hugged you close and assured you that everything was alright, that nobody got hurt, and nothing destroyed.

Though his reassuring words didn't calm your nerves completely, they at least helped with your pounding heart and shaky breath. But there was still the disappointment and frustration of yet another failed training session.

Your father knew just how much this was bothering you and decided that you needed some cheering up. He led you upstairs to your room and instructed you to shower and relax for a moment while he... ran some arrangements, which kind he wouldn't tell you.

Not that you were in the mood for any activities, really. This next failed attempt of mastering your powers really took its toll on you; you just couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment.

Before your self-destroying thoughts could get out of hand, though, you heard a knock on the door and were greeted by your father who smiled at you gently.

"How are you feeling, love?" He asked, entering your room.

"Okay," you mumbled and shrugged. "I'm used to messing up, I guess."

Loki shook his head and sighed. "Don't talk about yourself like that, love, please. We'll keep practising, and you'll get better. But you need to remember that improvement takes time, in every aspect of life."

You nodded slightly, letting your father's words sink in. "So... what are we gonna do now?" You asked, still wondering what he was up to while you took your shower.

But your excitement vanished quickly when you saw the growing smirk on your father's face.

"I'm glad you asked." He teased.

Barely five minutes later, you were seated in the living room area together with the other Avengers, squeezed in tightly between your father and Tony.

You leaned over to him and whispered, "What's going on? He wouldn't tell me a thing." You asked,  gesturing at your Father.

"You really have no idea?" Tony smirked. "Well, the kid and his friend made a magic show as a school project," He shrugged. "And they need some testers."

Your head snapped back to your father, who's still sitting next to you, trying to cover his growing smirk with his hand.

"You did not!" You exclaimed.

Loki just shrugged. "He was so excited when I told him you'd be watching."

A blush immediately spread on your cheeks, more out of embarrassment than anything else. 

"I thought we'd do something fun!" You whined.

"Oh, love," Loki teased. "It is fun! At least for me."

With that, he turned back to the improvised stage in front of you as the lights dimmed and Peter and Ned entered the room dressed like magicians.

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