5.3 Bruce Banner

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Your Dad always loved spending time with you. And, although he was almost always busy, either in the lab or outside on the field, he always made time for you.

Naturally, you couldn't go on week-long vacations or camping trips, and even one-day activities only happened rarely.

But Bruce didn't have these PhDs for nothing and so he designed an activity planner for the two of you, where every week had a different theme.

For example, last week was your Disney week and you and your Dad watched tons of Disney movies. Then you had a Disney song karaoke night and you even made Snow-White-inspired candy apples.

Now, this week was space themed and you currently got ready to get on the roof, where your Dad placed a telescope so you could watch the stars.

You just put on your hoodie as Bruce knocked on your door. "You ready, Baby?"

"I'm on my way!" You replied and walked out to your Dad.

"No jacket?" Bruce asked.

"It's not that cold. I'll survive."

Bruce merely shrugged and took your hand to lead you to the elevator.

As you arrived on top of the roof, you could watch over the fields and forests that circled the compound, and the moon that shone brightly. The stars were perfectly visible and you couldn't wait to take a closer look.

"Alright, come over here, Baby." Bruce told you and placed you right in front of the telescope.

"Put your hands here," He put your right hand on the optical tube. "- and here."

"Now, look through the eyepiece and tell me if you see something."

You did as you were told. "Mhm. It's all blurry."

"Wait." Bruce adjusted the lock knobs. "Better?"

You nodded. "Yes, much better."

"Okay. At last, push or pull it in the direction you want to look. See anything?"


"Great! Just, stop shaking or it'll be blurry again!" He laughed.

"It's not my fault that it's cold!" You protested but suppressed your shaking nonetheless.

"I told you to put on a jacket. Should've listened to your old man." He smirked.

"Fine, you were right. Now, will you teach me the constellations, or not?"

"Okay, okay, let me see." He thought for a moment, gazing at the sky, before pointing to a certain constellation. "You this over there? That is Orion."

"Where?" You asked, having trouble finding it through the telescope.

"Right above the forest."

"I don't see it!

"No, wait. A little more right."

"Like that?"

"That was too much! Here..."

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