4.3 Bruce Banner

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When you were finally allowed to go home, you almost sprinted out of the building. You were mad! No, no, you were angry!

Walking down the street to your house, you lifted your phone up to your face and the reflection revealed that your skin was already turning slightly green. You took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm down, because although you had a bad day, it wouldn't justify to set she-hulk loose.

When you made it home, you pushed open the front door and trudged inside. Meanwhile Bruce was in the kitchen, setting the table for dinner as he saw you.

"Y/N! Why are you only home now? I thought school ended at four?" Bruce asked, worried about what had caused your late arrival.

You released a deep sigh and sat down at the kitchen table, pushing your fork aimlessly around. "Yeah, it did. At least for everybody else." You mumbled.

Bruce watched you carefully and sat down across from you. "What do you mean, Baby? What happened?"

"I got detention..." You finally admitted.

Bruce released a relieved breath, glad that nothing really concerning happened to you. "That's nothing to worry about, Y/N." He assured you and send you a small smile. "Everyone gets detention sooner or later."

You looked up at your Dad and explained how it had come this far.
"But it's not my fault that my science teacher was explaining gamma radiation all wrong!" You protested.

Bruce lifted his hands in surrender. "Okay, keep going."

"She said that they had the biggest wave lengths and smallest energy in any wave of the electromagnetic spectrum." You continued matter of factly. "But I pointed out that gamma radiation has indeed the smallest wave lengths and the most energy in the spectrum. And that they're produced by the hottest and-" You kept rambling.

"Alright, alright. I get it." Your Dad cut you off. "Not your fault, alright?" He smiled.

You nodded but Bruce noticed that you still looked a bit sad. "I could ask Tony if he wants to be your new science teacher. I bet he wouldn't mind coming to your school once or twice a week." Bruce smirked.

You stared at your dad, horrified. "No way, Dad! I'd rather go to detention!"

Marvel Parent Scenarios - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now