2.6 Stephen Strange

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You've always admired your Dad's skills, especially the portals he can create. Your Dad was very protective though, and you never got to see what's hidden on the other side.

But, ever since you first talked (and revealed that you were a smart-ass), you grew more and more curious.

So, everytime your Dad created a portal, you would try and crawl towards it. Unfortunately, crawling such a distance takes time and is exhausting, therefore your Dad would already step through and close the portal before you could have reached it.

But when you set your mind on something, you're determined to make it.

By the time your Dad was about to open another portal, you crawled close behind him, using anything you could reach to steady yourself as you pushed yourself on your feet.

You tried to stay balanced and steady as you slowly wobbled towards your Dad.

Meanwhile, Stephen opened the portal and stepped through it, unaware of what his daughter is doing.

When you finally made it to the other side, you realised you were in the supermarket. You stayed close to your Dad, intimated by your surroundings.

Stephen continued walking through the aisles (with you hot on his tail), stopping every now and then to inspect different articles, still clueless. He only noticed you when an elderly woman walked past the two of you.

"You have such a cute daughter!" The woman said, smiling widely at Stephen.

"I'm sorry, wha-" Stephen looked down, seeing you a couple of feet behind him, waving your little hand up at him. "Daddy i walk!" You squealed, bubbling with excitement.

"Y/N! What the-" He screeched as he swiftly picked you up and kissed your forehead. "Yes, Sweetie, you did great!" He cheered, although he still didn't quite comprehended what had happened.

"I have to be more careful now..." He mumbled as you two continued your walk through the store.

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