3.3 Bruce Banner

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Bruce went on a mission together with Natasha and Clint and that means Tony had to be your Babysitter for the day.

Now, Tony Stark had no idea how to handle a child, especially not the kid of a big, green and angry man. But Bruce was his best friend and he
didn't want to mess this is up.

He thought the easiest way to handle this was watching a movie with you. I mean, kids love movies, right? And you were a kid. What could possibly go wrong? Disclaimer: Everything.

You and Tony prepared snacks in the kitchen and got comfortable on the couch.

"What do you wanna watch, kiddo?" Tony asked. "Disney?"

"I'm eight! I don't watch Disney anymore!" You exclaimed. "That's not up to my level." Yep, totally Bruce's child.

"Alright, I'll choose."

He chose the movie he wanted to watch and hit the play button.

At first, everything went fine, it seemed to be a normal movie. Until a certain scene came up.

"Oh my god!" You screamed. "Turn it off, uncle Tony, turn it of!"

"Shit, shit, shit!" Tony yelled, frantically trying to turn of the TV, as the moaning sounds echoed through the room.

You jumped up from the couch and hit the floor. "Bleach my eyes please! And my ears! I'm begging!"

"What the hell is going on in here?"

You and Tony both looked up as you heard the familiar voice of Bruce, the TV now thankfully off.

"Dad!" You cried and ran to Bruce, hugging his torso.

"Sweetheart, what happened? Are you alright?" He asked worried.

"Uncle Tony watched an adult movie with me!" You whimpered and pointed at Tony.

"Oh- no wait I-" Tony stuttered.

"What?" Your Dad asked, the green already appearing on his skin.

"Bruce, listen I-" But Tony didn't bother to explain any further and sprinted out of the room, probably heading for his lab to hide.


Well, Tony won't be babysitting you anytime soon.

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