2.3 Bruce Banner

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Your Dad was in the lab, working on an experiment and left you to play with your auntie Nat.

"Aren't you a gorgeous little принцесса." Natsha cooed, tickling your tummy. You laughed and Natasha smiled down at you.

"Let's see what's your Dad is doing, mh? Maybe he wants to eat lunch with. I bet you're hungry, детка."

Natasha then picked you up and sat you down on her hip. She knocked on the door of the lab and walked in.

"Bruce, come in and eat lunch with us."

Bruce looked up from his work and smiled at you two. "I could use a lunch break."

Natasha set you down on the floor and helped you to stand up. She when held your hand and you two walked a few steps. "I got pizza." Nat mention, while she kept walking with you.

Bruce's eyes went wide. "No way! Last one in the kitchen is a rotten egg!" He yelled, has he stormed out of the lab, making you giggle, like always when he played this silly game with you.

"Bruce! Y/N can't walk!" Your aunt yelled after him, still getting protective over you, when Bruce tries to trick you, even if it's just for fun.

You realised that she was right, you couldn't walk. But there was no way you would let your Dad win this time.

You let go of Nat's hand and set off after your Dad. You stumbled a few times but kept running.

Natasha was walking behind you, phone in hand, recording everything.

You reached the kitchen and yanked the pizza carton from the counter. Your Dad looked amused by your behaviour and grinned at Nat, who was still holding the phone.

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