5.1 Steve Rogers

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"What are you doing, Daddy?" You questioned your dad as you saw him sitting at his desk, drawing something on a piece of paper.

You walked up to him and pushed yourself up on the desk, sitting cross-legged as you watched him.

"What do you think i'm doing?" Steve looks up at you, grinning at your curiosity.

"Mhm." You thought. "Well, you're writing something... Is it something for a mission? Or are you writing a love letter for Bucky?" You wiggled your eyebrows at your Dad, smirking knowingly as you saw the blush on his face.

Steve cleared his throat. "No. But I really am writing something." He said. "It's called a diary."

You hummed in acknowledgement and took a closer look at the page. You saw today's date and your Dad's signature at the bottom; it still looked like a letter to you.

"Sooo... What do you do with it?" You asked.

Steve thought for a second. How do you explain that to a seven year old?

"Well, it's a notebook where Daddy writes all his experiences and feelings down."

"And why?" You questioned, curiosity evident in your voice.

"It helps Daddy to organise his thoughts."

"And why?" You questioned again.

Steve sighed. Sometimes, you're quite a handful. "It's a good way to free up any stress that prevents me from feeling happy."

You skimmed through the pages of your Dad's diary and thought about what he told you. Finally, you looked back at him.

"Can I have a diary? You wondered.

"Of course you can, Sweetheart." Steve bend down and opened a drawer of his desk, then pulled out an empty notebook and handed it to you. "Here, you can have this." He smiled.

You took the book from your Dad and jumped down from his desk. "Thanks, Daddy!" You squealed and ran out of the room, only to glance back in again a minute later.

"Daddy?" You carefully called out for Steve, who still sat at his desk.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" He cooed as he turned to face you.

"Can you help me? With my diary?"

Steve chuckled and motioned for you to come closer. "Of course." He said and lifted you on his lap so that you could reach the surface of the desk.

"Now, what do you want to write about?"

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