3.2 Tony Stark

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"Come on, Dad, please!" You begged.

"I already told you, Tiger. Not happening."

"But- Dad! Everyone is going"! You reasoned.

"You, young lady, aren't everyone and you're staying at home and that's final."

You knew by the look on your Dad's face that arguing won't do it.
You huffed. "You are mean! You're denying me any kind of fun!"

"No uh uh, don't make this something it isn't, Tiger. I want you to be good and I want you do be safe. Going on a party like this won't do either."

"Fine!" You yelped and stormed out of the lab, fighting the tears that threatened to spill.

It wasn't fair! This was supposed to be your first real party and your Dad wouldn't let you go! Fine, you were only 14 but you knew the story's of your Dad's youth, you were a Saint compared to him and a little party won't hurt.

You reached your room and slammed the door shut behind you. You threw yourself on your bed and took your phone out to text Peter that you wouldn't make it, the tears now running freely.

Then, you turned your phone off and curled yourself up in your blanket, angry at your Dad and angry at yourself.

You must have fallen asleep, because  the next thing you heard was a knock on your door and your Dad's voice. "Tiger? Can I come in, please?"

You hummed and turned to face the door as Tony walked in.

"Hey." He smiled and walked closer. "You mind if I sit here?" He motioned to the edge of your bed.

You shook your head and scooted over, creating more space for him.


Tony then lay down next to you. He reached for the remote of the TV and put on your favourite movie.

You two were watching in a comfortable silence before Tony confronted you about what had happened earlier.

"I only want what's best for you, kiddo."


"I'm not finished." He interrupted. "I don't want to be a spoil sport, and I know that you won't always agree with my decisions, but sometimes you have to listen to your old man, alright?"


"Tiger, I know- wait, really?"

You shrugged. "Yeah, I'm sorry I yelled."

"I know, it's okay." Tony confirmed and you two went back to watching the movie until you both fell asleep.

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