4.5 Thor Odinson

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"This is not acceptable, Y/N!" Fandral warned, stopping the fight. "I think you had enough training for the day, go."

With that, you walked off, knowing that picking a fight with Fandral would end badly for you. You left the trainings hall and went to the throne room.

Entering, you saw your father and uncle deep in conversation. You didn't want your Dad to know that you've got thrown out of training and tried to sneak past them.

"Little one!" Thor suddenly boomed and walked over to you. "Is training already over? You must have been too strong for them, right?" He grinned.

You cringed at your father's words and tried to wiggle out of his arms, but Loki stepped in front of you, ultimately stopping you.

You sighed and looked up at your father. You knew that he'll be disappointed if he finds out what had happened, so you tried to play the innocent act.

"Yes, Father. Fandral thought it'd do us good to get some rest." You smiled and pushed past them, only for Loki to grab your arm.

"Now, darling. I don't think lying is appropriate to do as a princess." He smirked.

"What?" Thor asked. "Y/N, why are you lying?"

You glared at your uncle. "I got thrown out of training..." You mumbled.

Thor kneeled down in front of you, both his hands on your arms to hold you in place. "What happened?"

"We were fighting with the swords and maybe-" You gulped. "Maybe I used my powers to, to, to help me out, yeah."

Your Dad sighed. "It's called a sword fight for a reason, little one. If you use your powers all the time, you'll never learn how to fight without them."

"It won't happen again. I promise."

"I know, Little one. Now, why don't you look for Fandral and apologise, alright? And then tell him that you'll clean the trainings hall." Thor smirked.

You nodded and set off to the trainings hall, already dreading your punishment.

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