5.9 Sam Wilson

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"Are you ready?" Your dad asked, an evil smirk plastered onto his face.

You crossed your arms in front of your chest, still standing in the doorway, not moving an inch. "I'm not going." You stated flatly.

Sam started to laugh. "Come on, Princess. The earlier we start, the earlier we're done." He grinned at you and opened the passenger door of his car for you. "Now, hop in."

"But- dad!" You whined, trudging to the car nevertheless.

Sam shrugged and kept grinning at you. He got in the car himself and closed his door, then started the car. "It's only for a couple of hours." He tried to reassure you. "And then you'll have the rest of the day off."

You huffed and crossed your arms again. "It's still not fair."

Sam laughed again, shaking his head slightly. "Shouldn't have gotten detention then."

"Thanks for reminding me..." You muttered, sinking down in your seat. "Still, you ruined my day with Bucky."

"Ouch!" Sam fake-pouted, clutching his chest as if he's in pain. "What about your old man, huh? What about me?" He joked. "Am I no fun?"

You rolled your eyes at him, not in the mood for his jokes. Sam just grinned to himself, if only you knew...

As you reached the harbour, Sam parked the car, and you two got ready to fix the boat.

"What do you want me to do first?" You asked your dad just as you put on your gloves.

Sam grinned. "Someone's really motivated, I see." He laughed.

"Very funny." You mumbled, friendly bumping into his shoulder.

Sam ruffled your hair. "Get me my tools, yeah?"

You nodded and walked off, looking for his tools.

Unfortunately, Sam never remembered where he put them last, and it was always your job to find them.
Ten minutes and lots of groans later, you finally found it.

Triumphantly, you got back on deck, lifting the box of tools high above your head for your dad to see.

But to your surprise, your dad wasn't the only one applauding you. Next to him stood none other than Bucky.

"Uncly Bucky!" You screeched and ran up to him, the tools totally forgotten. "You're here!"

Bucky barely catched you as you landed in his arms. "Hi there, doll." He grins.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, not quite believing that he's really there.

"Well," Bucky glanced at your dad. "Your old man told me that you weren't too happy about your punishment and asked me if I wanted to help, so here i am."

You smiled widely. "You're staying?"

"Sure am." He grinned.

You laughed and hugged him again, before you turned to your dad and hugged him too. "Thanks dad!"

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