1.10 Peter Parker

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《before you read: since Peter basically is a Baby himself (<3), you'll be his little sister and not his daughter. doesn't fit the timeline, I KNOW, but just go along with it.》

"And you're sure that she's asleep?" Ned asked, carefully leaning over your crib.

"Definitely," Peter assured him. "She slept through a hurricane once."

"Nice." Ned exhaled. "That means we can take a break from babysitting now?"

Peter nodded and both boys carefully edged away from your crib. You've kept them busy all morning and now, after your late lunch, you were finally ready for your nap. And they were more than happy to let you.

Ned crossed the room in long, quick and carefully placed steps, to pick up Peter's unfinished Lego Death Star and placed it on the carpet. "Ready to finish this?"

Peter nodded. "But we gotta be real quiet."

They got comfortable on the floor and went to work right away.

After a couple of hours, unknown to Peter and Ned, you stirred awake. You heard the commotion in the room, but instead of making yourself noticeable, you pushed yourself into a standing position, using the edge of the crib to keep yourself up.

You watched your brother and Ned as they kept building the Death Star. They worked together in perfect sync until something seemed to be bothering them.

"Where is it?"

"Come on, somewhere here?"

"That's not happening, right?"

"There's no way we just lost the last piece!" Peter yelped. "Fuck!"

This caught your attention. Remembering the countless times Peter sounded out words for you to repeat (unsuccessfully), now seemed like a perfect time for you to do it.

"Fuck!" You yelled.

Peter's head snapped up, staring at you wide-eyed, he scrambled up from the floor and hurried over to your crib. "No, no, Sweetheart. That's a bad word." He cooed.

"Fuck!" Ned yelled. He must have stepped on something. He bent down and picked up... the missing piece.

"Fuck!" You repeated. 

Peter turned around and glared at his friend who raised his arms in surrender and mouthed an apologetic 'sorry'.

You, on the other hand, were smiling from ear to ear, happy to have learned a new word.

Peter picked you up and placed you on his hip. "Don't say that Y/N, please. You'll get me in trouble."


"No!" Peter whined. "It's useless, I give up. May will kill me."

As if on cue, the door to the apartment opened and Aunt May stepped inside.

"Peter?" She called. "Are you two here?"


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