4.1 Steve Rogers

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As soon as the bell signaled that school was over, you jumped up from your seat and bolted outside.

You made it home without any disturbances, but as you opened the front door you were ready to burst into tears.

Steve was already waiting for you. After the school called and informed him about your detention, he seated himself at the kitchen table and waited for you to come home.

As you made it into the kitchen he fixed his stern glare at you, ready to give you a lecture, his expression only faltering slightly when he saw the tears on your face.

"Come and sit down, Sweetheart. And then tell me what happened."

You sniffed and whipped your nose with the sleeve of your hoodie, before you did as you were told.

You looked up at him and started to explain. "It's about the detention I got..." You mumbled.

"Keep going." Steve urged you to continue.

"Well, it wasn't my fault that I got late to class i-"

"How can it not be your fault? Sweetheart, your bus picks you up at the same time every day and you know that you're supposed to head to school directly." Your Dad interrupted.


"You shouldn't be looking for excuses, but take the responsibility for the mistakes you made."

"Dad, i-"

"And you know that you're grounded now, for at least a week." Steve finished his lecture and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"But I had to save that puppy!" You bursted, feeling the urge to defend yourself.

Steve looked surprised then. "What puppy?"

"When I got out of the bus, I walked towards school but then I saw this little puppy laying on the sidewalk." You sniffed. "And as I walked up to him, I saw that he was hurt and I couldn't just leave him like this." You whipped your tears.

Steve send you a reassuring nod, urging you to keep going.

"I picked him up and took him to the vet where they took care of him. But by the time I made it to school first period already started and they gave me detention. I was trying to explain myself, but they didn't believe me, just like you!"

Your tears were running freely now and you didn't bother to whip them.
Steve softened completely when he heard your story and he pulled you into a tight hug to comfort you.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart. I should have let you explain yourself." He apologised and kissed your head.

"It's okay."

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