3.6 Stephen Strange

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"Daddy, can I please watch TV?" You whined, giving Stephen your best puppy dog eyes.

"Did you finish your homework, Darling?" Stephen eyed you carefully.

You shrugged. "I can do them later."

"Uh uh, first your homework and then you can watch TV."

"But- but my favourite movie is on and-" You cried.

"You know the rules, Darling. Throwing a tantrum won't help." He reasond and picked you up, carrying you to your room, where he sat you down at your desk. "If you start now,  you won't miss too much of it."

You huffed. "Fine."

Thirty minutes later you came running out of your room and headed straight for the living room, where you flung yourself on the couch and turned on the TV.

You made yourself comfortable under your blanket and were ready to watch the movie.

Stephen, who already heard you sprinting down the hall, chuckled as he heard the TV. Thinking that you'd be occupied for at least an hour, he got back to work, only for your scream to interrupt him.

"Daddy!" You yelled. "It's over! It's already over and I missed it!" You ran up to your Dad and hugged him tight, tears running down your cheeks.

"Darling, don't cry. It's just a movie, they'll play it again soon." He tried to calm you.

"But I wanted to watch it now!"

Stephen sighed. He knew how much you loved that movie and he hated it when you were upset. As he looked down at you, still hugging his legs tightly, his eyes focused on the green amulet hanging around his neck.

"Come on, Darling. I think I can help you." He smiled and picked you up, carrying you back to the couch.

He sat you down and wrapped the blanket back around you, then he started working. Stephen made sure that you could remember everything and then formed the spell. Within seconds, the pictures on the TV moved backwards and soon the intro to your favourite movie started playing.

You eyes went wide and you smiled with excitement as you understood what had happened. "Dad look!"

Stephen chuckled and sat down next to you. "Now, let's watch this movie."

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