3.7 Loki Laufeyson

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"Love?" Loki whispered as he opened the door to your room, trying to wake you up. "You need to wake up and eat breakfast." He cooed.

You barely shrugged and slipped back down under the covers, not ready to get up yet. Today, you woke up with a runny nose and a scratchy throat and if this wasn't enough torture, you had a headache too.

"What's wrong?" Loki asked, coming closer and sitting down at the edge of your bed.

"Sick." You mumbled, your voice muffled by the covers.

"Sick?" Loki half screeched, half whispered. "God's don't get sick!" And as if on cue to prove him wrong, you sneezed.

"Oh dear, you must have caught some kind of midguardian illness." He scoffed. "It's time that we finally leave this planet..."

Now, after Loki made sure that you were comfortable, he left you to rest and went searching for Thor, ready to go back to Asgard. After a headed discussion though, Thor and Bruce could convince Loki that you couldn't travel in your state of sickness and they agreed that you two would stay until you were feeling fit enough to travel.

Defeated, Loki went back to your room, this time with a tray of your favourite breakfast foods in hand. As he entered your room, he saw you sitting in bed, switching through the channels of the TV.

"Love, I brought you breakfast."

You looked up at your father and carefully eyed the contents of foods.
"Do you have pancakes?" You breathed, your throat scratchy.

Loki smiled. "I have waffles too. Now, you may scoot over a bit."

"What are you doing?" You wondered.

"I have no desire to converse with your uncle anymore." He scoffed. "And I don't want you to be alone while you are sick, in case you need anything. Now, what are we watching?"

"Peter showed me some movies i should watch while i'm here..." You trailed off as you went through the different movies.

"If the man of spiders says so, we might as well follow his advice. With what movie do we start?"

You two spent the rest of the day watching the movies Peter recommended and ate lots of sweets and junk food. Mainly because you convinced your father that it will help with your sickness.

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