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The knowledge that Byun Baekhyun had to marry the kid of another family in order to achieve peace between his family and said family for a feud that had been going on for three generations was widely known to everyone in Baekhyun's large household, including Baekhyun himself. He had known for months that this was the plan set out for him, and in the beginning, he was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the annoying feud ending. But, at the last minute, two days before the meeting of the two families and future couple-to-be was to be held, he muttered, "Fuck this," ditched home and left his pretentious life.

Figuring that it was never like him to bend for stupid, middle-aged traditions that were beyond ridiculous, Baekhyun didn't want to look back. He figured that the only way he'd be able to get himself to go back home was if his family would just man the hell up and do things diplomatically rather than sacrifice a son and a life.

The moment he got out of the house, Baekhyun stood at a crossroad. He didn't know where to go, so he ended up wandering the city of Seoul at night and checking into a high rate hotel. It wasn't until morning that he realized that he shouldn't use his credit cards at all if he didn't want to be dragged back home and force to marry a stranger.

He took a train, using cash, to Kai, who lived on the other side of Seoul. Baekhyun knocked on his door wearing nothing, but the same exact clothes he left home in. Kai wasn't in the same social circle as Baekhyun, but with Kai, working for a catering company, and with Baekhyun's parents' frequent parties, Byun Baekhyun got to know the kid.

Initially, Kai was accepting of the fact that Baekhyun needed a place to stay, but as  a week and a half passed, Kai got tired of Baekhyun lazing around, doing nothing, but breathing air. With his inconsistent paychecks, Kai didn't know whether he could support another human being under his roof. So, with a heavy heart, Kai had to break the news of his decision concerning the situation to Baekhyun.

"Morning, Baek," Kai greeted as Baekhyun came out of the bedroom—Kai's bedroom, which he reluctantly gave up. "Had a nice sleep?"

Baekhyun mumbled a reply, running a hand under his shirt to rub his cold chest. His droopy eyes moved to the kitchen table. "Ramen?" he asked, groggily.

Kai nodded, smiling. "All day, every day."

"Every day it is," Baekhyun muttered. He yawned, rolling his shoulders to undo knots. "Why not cook other things?"

"I'm always on a tight budget, Baek. You know this," Kai sighed, setting down the coffee mug in his hand. He leaned on the kitchen island. "Listen. We have to talk."

Baekhyun carelessly nodded, still half asleep. He pulled out one of the chairs at the table, making a screeching noise as the chair moved. "Shoot."

"You need to get a job," Kai blurted. "Or at least, you need to be more independent. Maybe even go home—"

Baekhyun's eyes snapped open. "I am not going home."

Kai raised his brows and put a hand in front of him. "Okay, okay. Forget I said that, then. I'm just saying. I can't support both of us."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now