Fantastic Elastic

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With arms wide open, Baekhyun made his way out the door and headed straight for Kai. Kai walked around the front of the car and was in the midst of opening his arms for Baekhyun. Just before Baekhyun could greet Kai with a hug, Chanyeol grabbed the back of his shirt and started dragging him back towards the front.

Kai opened his mouth to say something, but the look on Baekhyun's face made it seem like he was used to having his happiness shot dead by the tall man. Instead, Kai just wordlessly followed the two. He didn't bothering speaking up on Baekhyun's behalf because of the way Baekhyun decided to shoulder bump Chanyeol into the door frame so he could go inside first. As Chanyeol's entire body was shoved off to the side, Kai watched, realizing that Baekhyun could handle himself, but that Chanyeol couldn't handle him.

Once inside the house, Kai was careful to take off his shoes, but once he stopped and looked around, he couldn't help but be in awe. "Wow...Nice house."

Baekhyun grinned at him and tilted his head. "Thanks!"

Chanyeol glanced his way as he was putting his jacket in the closet. Thanks? The guy was acting like he owned the place. The last time Chanyeol checked, the house was under his name, not Baekhyun's.

Before Chanyeol could say anything, Baekhyun went over to Kai and tugged on him by his shirt's sleeve. "Let's go to my room."

Kai hesitated. He was about to go along with Baekhyun's pull, but then he noticed two other people in the area looking at him. One of them was standing near the kitchen island and was looking at him with big eyes. The other one was blond, looking at him through the sliding door from outside.

"Um." Kai cleared his throat. "Shouldn't you introduce me first?"

Baekhyun smiled. "Sure." His smiled turned a little sarcastic when he looked at Chanyeol. "Well, that's that guy."

Kai and Chanyeol were mentally thinking that Baekhyun would say more, further introducing Chanyeol by his full name, but it wasn't so. Baekhyun quickly moved on, shattering both of the males' expectations.

"That's Kyungsoo. He's the cook. He's also that guy's you know what," Baekhyun said, adding a suggestive wink to Kai, causing Chanyeol to dart his eyes at him in a suspicious, yet confused manner. "The kid outside?" he continued, waving a hand at Sehun. "That's Sehun." Leaning into Kai's ear, he whispered, "He waters flowers like no other..."

Pulling away, Baekhyun began to pull Kai along towards the hallway. "Everyone say good bye to Kai for a while," he said in a cooing voice. "We're going to talk in private for a minute."

Kai glanced around, watching Kyungsoo raise his brows in amusement and watching Chanyeol burrowing his eyebrows, frowning with his jaw clenched tight. He had only been there a few minutes and he could already piece together what everyday life in that house must've been like.

As the two walked away from the main area of the house, Chanyeol was about to follow but Kyungsoo waved his hand and shook his head. "Let him go. You need to lay off him, Chanyeol," Kyungsoo calmly said. "He'll be back anyways."

"They could be cavorting—"

"—or catching up with each other."

Chanyeol groaned, shaking his head. "I'm going," he mumbled.

"What are you planning on doing, Chanyeol?"

"I'm gonna go stand outside that fucker's door," Chanyeol answered back, moving for Baekhyun's room.

"Like that's not weird."

Kai set his bag on the floor before taking a seat in the only chair in Baekhyun's room. Baekhyun followed him with his eyes as he sat on his bed.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now