What He Wants And What Is Reality

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WARNING: Pg-15 smut ish material idk

A/n: sorry for typos and bad writing



Baekhyun's declaration of an on-coming break up didn't faze Chanyeol much. To him, Baekhyun was both drunk and stupid--neither of those being an ideal trait to have in any situation. There wasn't much loaded ammunition to Baekhyun's words, therefore, Chanyeol set aside the issue, deeming it to be non-threatening.

The fact that Baekhyun had taken a "nap" left the house to be extremely quiet. Other than the television or Sehun's tinkering in the living room, there wasn't much around that made as much noise as Baekhyun usually made on a day to day basis. Chanyeol, free of any work and duties since that afternoon, found that he thought that silence was quite lonesome. Baekhyun may not have been the type of person to be quiet about any topic at all--especially sexual topics--but for some reason, Chanyeol began to think that hearing Baekhyun's voice was part of the norm.

It wasn't until dinner was served and eaten that Chanyeol decided that Baekhyun had enough sleep for one evening. Even Kyungsoo and Kai crawled out of their cave of shame to rejoin everyone else. By the time everyone had eaten, Chanyeol took it upon himself to drag Baekhyun out to eat.

Knowing that Baekhyun had locked the door, Chanyeol visited his room quickly to pull out the house's master key behind one of his mirror cabinets in the bathroom. After he got the key, he made his way to Baekhyun's room--a place that had been uninhabited much since they began sleeping together-- inserted the key, twisted the door knob, and expected an easy access in, but was met with a chair that Baekhyun had maneuvered to keep the door shut.

Chanyeol had to hand it Baekhyun for using his senses in making the secondary defense line. Luckily for him, luck was on his side that evening. The constant pushing and pulling of the door jolted Nugget awake from his slumber, causing the pup to thrash around and accidentally knock himself against one of the chair's legs, causing the balance to be disrupted and the chair to come tumbling down.

For once, Chanyeol found himself grateful to the dog. Then he thanked the gods that Nugget was as clumsy and dumb as his father, something that had become useful in certain cases. As he walked across the room to the bundle that lied on the bed, Chanyeol ignored the barking and yelping dog that tried to nip at his feet the closer that he got to Baekhyun's bed.

The dog was barking for one of two reasons. The pup was either trying to scare the tall giant away from his dad or warn his dad of the giant's presence all together. However, Nugget's efforts were in vain once Chanyeol began to peel away the sheets that Baekhyun had used to cover his entire body up as if he was a caterpillar in its cocoon.

It took a few seconds and one push to roll Baekhyun on his back, but eventually Chanyeol managed to slowly pull away the sheets from Baekhyun, starting from his face. With a small grin curving his lips, Chanyeol watched at Baekhyun began to slowly flutter his eyes open, awakening from the nap that turned out to be a legitimate nap after all.

Taking in the sight of Baekhyun looking as if he was totally out loop with reality, Chanyeol sat down on the bed, reached over, and gently grabbed one of Baekhyun's cheeks. "Well, it's about time you woke up," he said amusingly. "Come on. Get up. You need to eat. Everyone else did already."

Still groggy from sleep, Baekhyun mumbled what sounded like equations in Chanyeol's ears and rolled back onto his side. With his lips quirked, Chanyeol lightly pulled him to lie on his back again. "Come on. Get out of bed," he said, pushing a hand against Baekhyun's body. "Your food's waiting in the kitchen."

When Baekhyun continued to grumble, covering his face with his hands, Chanyeol clicked his tongue and held onto Baekhyun's wrists, revealing himself. "If you don't want to get out of bed, I might as well just join you, then, hm?" he hummed.

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now