Intimacy (RATED)

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Deep inside, Baekhyun had a—very strong—tangent idea as to what Chanyeol was suddenly in his room for. The look on his face and the clear item in his hand said it all. Fiddling, Baekhyun's grip on his book tightened up a notch as he met Chanyeol's eyes.

"Hey..." he croaked, attempting to clear the air.

Chanyeol didn't verbally respond, but his sharp look told Baekhyun that he wasn't there to be polite. Taking long strides over to the bed, Chanyeol found himself right in front of Baekhyun in no time, looking down on him as he towered. Leaning forward, Chanyeol grabbed the edge of Baekhyun's book, and before Baekhyun could argue, Chanyeol folded the page so that it wouldn't be forgotten. Then he promptly tossed it over to Baekhyun's desk.

As Chanyeol set a knee on the bed, Baekhyun's heart rate picked up and he elevated himself to his elbows. Bending his knees, he attempted to push his body back—away from Chanyeol—but Chanyeol wouldn't allow it. Grabbing Baekhyun by the ankle, Chanyeol pulled him back towards him.

"Why're you backing away?" Chanyeol demanded. "You didn't back away when Kris came in here."

"That's because that was Kris..." Baekhyun weakly argued. "He's not you."

"Right," Chanyeol said bitterly as he set himself on the bed completely. "Because he's not me—your boss."


Chanyeol scoffed and put his hands on Baekhyun's knees. "I don't understand you," he growled. When he tried to spread Baekhyun's legs, Baekhyun put up a weak resistance—but resistance nonetheless. "You drew a line between us when it's obvious that you want me just as I've been wanting you, and yet you let someone you've only known for a week touch you in places when only I can touch you."

"Who—Ah," Baekhyun gasped when Chanyeol broke his defense and managed to spread him apart. "Who made me exclusive to you?"

"The contract," Chanyeol muttered before his hands took the edge of Baekhyun's shirt and pushed it up.

"What contr—nghhh—" Baekhyun arched his back as Chanyeol took his rosy buds in his mouth, shamlessly sucking and nipping at one while groveling the other with his hand. Lifting his hand, Baekhyun entwined his fingers in Chanyeol's hair. "No—We can't!"

"No," Chanyeol whispered, letting his hot breath run on Baekhyun's open chest. "I'm tired of you denying everything—I should've taken you when I had you begging for me. I should've just buried myself inside of you when I could."

Before Baekhyun could argue further on, Chanyeol's mouth slanted over his. Chanyeol's tongue traced his bottom lips and it was only when Baekhyun gasped from that feel of Chanyeol's finger rolling his sensitive bud that Chanyeol's tongue swiftly entered.

Resistance didn't last long. Once Chanyeol started tasting him, brushing against him, and dipping into him, Baekhyun was left moaning into the deep kiss while as the same time wanting to scream in frustration from every time Chanyeol's fingers flicked him.

It wasn't long until Chanyeol knew he had the upper hand as Baekhyun began to push and try to better the angle of his head. Smirking, Chanyeol gladly served Baekhyun's wanton needs to be kissed deeply and erotically. At first Chanyeol had kissed him with urgent needs, but at that moment, the tables had turned. Baekhyun became the one aggressively asking for more.

When Chanyeol swiped his lips back, Baekhyun whined and scowled at him. "Come back," he demanded.

"You're pretty demanding for someone who just let someone else touch him," Chanyeol jabbed, earning him a wobbly frown from Baekhyun. "You don't have the right to ask me for anything."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now