Liar Liar

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When the two of them entered the house, Baekhyun saw that Kyungsoo was leaning against the refrigerator with his eyes closed as if he was too tired to work for the day. Leaving Chanyeol's side, which made the giant somewhat disappointed in the fact that Baekhyun had left him so easily, Baekhyun quickly trudged over to the cook as fast as he could. He almost slipped along the way due to the sand stuck on his feet, which lessened the friction between him and the floor. When he swayed, Chanyeol flinched as if he was getting ready to sprint if Baekhyun fell backwards, despite the thought that he knew Baekhyun's ass would bounce him right back up.

"Morning, Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun brightly greeted as he approached the tired cook.

Kyungsoo, in turn, didn't answer. He lugged his body upright and stepped back, stumbling for a second before catching himself. "Coffee...Make coffee," he muttered.

Looking at the cook that kept on rubbing his eyes, Baekhyun gave him a lopsided grin. "Okay," he said, shrugging.

Moving out of the kitchen, Baekhyun jogged down the hallway while unwrapping the towel from his body. Annoyed by his recklessness, Chanyeol was quick to step inside the house and stick his head down the hallway.

"Stop running!"

Baekhyun had already turned the corner, but Chanyeol didn't miss the sound of an idiot falling down and trying to stifle a cry to protect his childish pride. Shaking his head, Chanyeol walked back into the kitchen where Kyungsoo was squinting his eyes at him in a tired fashion.

"Are you...Are you going to go check on him?" Kyungsoo asked sluggishly.

"I'm gonna leave him for a while..." Chanyeol answered slowly as he gazed at Kyungsoo. "How much did you drink?"

"Enough to feel like I wanna die," Kyungsoo groaned.

Raising his brows, Chanyeol hummed for a moment as his eyes wandered from Kyungsoo's hair and down to his undone pants. "Did you do something you weren't supposed to?"

Kyungsoo gave him a look. "Like drink on the job?"

"I don't mind if you drink on the job as long as you don't overdo it," Chanyeol clarified. He paused for a second before flatly asking, "Did you and the kid have sex last night?"

Suddenly picking up his posture, Kyungsoo creased his brows as he rubbed his forehead. "God, no," he muttered, closing his eyes. "I'd never do that."

Chanyeol pursed his lips. "You know, just because you work for me doesn't mean you should limit your love life. That's not what I'm trying to do—"

"That's not it," Kyungsoo slightly snapped, catching himself before he snapped any louder. When he saw the look on Chanyeol's surprised face, he took a step back and sighed. "We didn't do anything. I had my reasons, oddly enough. Considering how mentally gone I was last night, I'm surprised I even stopped the entire thing."

Walking across the kitchen, Kyungsoo opened one of the top cabinets, trying to reach for a mug. When he couldn't, Chanyeol moved over and got it for him. Afterwards, Kyungsoo trudged over to the kitchen island, set the mug down, took a seat on a stool, and set his head down on the granite counter.

"Did you not have lube?" Chanyeol asked genuine curiosity.

"I had some," Kyungsoo muttered with half his face flat on the surface.

"He couldn't get started?"

"No..." Kyungsoo said.

Creasing his brows, Chanyeol frowned as he ran out of possible reasons. "Then I don't see what the—"

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now