Still Processing

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Snot dripped from Baekhyun's nose as he sniffled while Chanyeol rinsed his face with water. Glancing down at the messy faced male, Chanyeol shook his head at the sight. Grabbing some paper towel, Chanyeol damped it before wiping Baekhyun's face, making sure to wipe his mouth carefully. Then he guided Baekhyun from the sink to the table to get a seat. Nugget followed, whining after his dad and pawing at Chanyeol's feet, leaving Chanyeol to wonder what he had ever done in his past life to deserve the two annoying duo.

Then he went over to the fridge, pulled the door, and rummaged around for a moment until he found a chocolate bar that was already half eaten. How long had it been there? Chanyeol didn't know, but he was going to give it Baekhyun anyways. Taking the chocolate, he walked back to the table and handed it to Baekhyun, who took it and mumbled out his thanks.

While Baekhyun unknowingly unwrapped his ancient old candy bar, Chanyeol pulled out a seat and sat next to him. Setting his elbow on the table, Chanyeol leaned his face against his arm. "So do you mind telling me what possessed you to eat your dog's food?

Baekhyun grouched his face and glanced down at Nugget, who was standing on his hind legs, trying to paw himself up Chanyeol's leg. "His kibbles..."

Chanyeol tried to shake Nugget off. "What about them?"

Baekhyun took a small bite from the candy bar. "Nugget wasn't e—ah! Why is this so hard?" he whined, taking the bar out of his mouth and staring at it.

Waving his hand, Chanyeol dismissed the remark. "It's high class candy. Now what were you saying about your annoying dog?" Chanyeol said, pushing Nugget away. Nugget, whose paws held no friction against the wooden floor, slid a few feet away.

Smacking his tongue around in his mouth, Baekhyun tried to get a taste of the chocolate. He tried again, but this time, he settled to licking the sweet treat. "Nugget wasn't eating it. I had to see why."

"Maybe he wasn't hungry," Chanyeol said, throwing it out there.

"No, he's always hungry," Baekhyun muttered.

Chanyeol looked at Nugget for a second. "He's fat."

"No, he's not." Baekhyun licked his lips. "He's a puppy. He's supposed to be that way. Anyways, yeah, he wouldn't eat it so I had to check it out and see if something was wrong with it..."

Chanyeol groaned. "Baek, you could've just read the label."

Opening his mouth to refute, Baekhyun realized that he didn't bother to even think about checking the label. Frowning, he put down his chocolate bar and shot out of his chair, shuffling over to where he had lain down the bag of dog food. Chanyeol's eyes followed him as he crouched down and took a good look at the bag. Then Baekhyun screamed.

"You got the wrong brand! You idiot!" Baekhyun strode over to the table and thrusted the bag in Chanyeol's view. "Really? Chanyeol, I said to make sure to buy Nugget's brand—he's picky, okay? He a picky dog and he doesn't like change. What is this? Is this a generic brand?"

Chanyeol was caught off guard. "Baek, calm down—"

He tried to reach for Baekhyun, but Baekhyun swatted his hand away. "Nugget isn't on Survivor. We're not going to force him to search for his own food, okay? Argh—No wonder it tasted like crap." Moving away from the table, Baekhyun went to the trashcan and dumped the bag inside. "You know, luckily we still have some of his regular stuff left over."

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol threw his hands in front of him. "God forbid the dog doesn't eat for once in its fat life."

That remark made Baekhyun pause. He leaned against the kitchen island and crossed his arms. "Chanyeol, food is to Nugget as air is to you."

Not Intended | CHANBAEK (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now